The repository for website of IZFLIX.
The project uses React and deploys via Vercel.
To develop it locally, clone this repository and run the following command to start the local dev server:
yarn install
yarn start
Backend server repository is on delta-kor/video-server
📁 public
📁 run
├─ 📄 build.js # Post-build script
├─ 📁 templates # Post-build template pug files
📁 src
├─ 📁 components # React components
├─ 📁 contexts
├─ 📁 exceptions
├─ 📁 filters
├─ 📁 hooks
├─ 📁 icons # UI Icons
├─ 📁 locales # Language files
├─ 📁 pages # React pages
├─ 📁 providers
├─ 📁 services # Client services
├─ 📁 stores
├─ 📁 types
├─ 📄 App.tsx
├─ 📄 GlobalStyle.tsx
├─ 📄 index.ts
├─ 📄 styles.ts