This is the code of LaPrimaire's Telegram Bot. It uses the Giskard Bot Engine and rely on a PostgreSQL database. The bot is served through the unicorn web server. To better understand how LaPrimaireBot works, please refer to the Giskard Bot Engine.
You need to create your Telegram Bot by following these instructions provided by Telegram.
To setup LaPrimaireBot on your local computer, first clone the repo locally and install the dependencies:
$ git clone git://
$ cd LaPrimaireBot
$ bundle install
If you don't have the bundle
command, make sure you have the latest version of ruby (brew update && brew install ruby
) and then install the bundle command with gem install bundler
Then, you need to setup your PostgreSQL database. You will need PostgreSQL 9.4 or above. If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 as your dev environment, postgresql-9.4 is not included by default so you should use postgresql apt repository to install it easily.
Once PostgreSQL is up and running, go ahead and create a new database role called 'laprimaire' and a new database called 'laprimaire_sandbox' :
$ sudo -s
# su postgres
$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER laprimaire WITH PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE laprimaire_sandbox;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE laprimaire_sandbox TO laprimaire;
Verify you are able to connect to your newly created database :
$ psql -h localhost -W -U laprimaire laprimaire_sandbox
Password for user laprimaire:
psql (9.5.3, server 9.5.1)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
Now you are ready to import the sample data that you will find in the democratech/tools repository :
$ tar xvfz laprimaire_sandbox.sql.tgz
$ psql -h localhost -W -U laprimaire laprimaire_sandbox < laprimaire_sandbox.sql
Check that the data has been correctly imported :
$ psql -h localhost -W -U laprimaire laprimaire_sandbox
Password for user laprimaire:
psql (9.5.3, server 9.5.1)
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.2, cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
laprimaire_sandbox=> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | candidates | table | laprimaire
public | candidates_views | table | laprimaire
public | cities | table | laprimaire
public | cities_city_id_seq | sequence | laprimaire
public | citizens | table | laprimaire
public | countries | table | laprimaire
public | donateurs | table | laprimaire
public | donateurs_donateur_id_seq | sequence | laprimaire
public | supporters | table | laprimaire
public | toutes_candidates | table | laprimaire
public | users | table | laprimaire
(11 rows)
With the database setup, you can copy the example configuration file and adapt it to your local settings :
$ cp config/key.rb config/keys.local.rb
$ cat config/keys.local.rb
#### BOT SETTINGS ####
SECRET="MoNSeCrEt" # LaPrimaireBot API secret
PREFIX="ARaNd0MStrInG" # A secret prefix for your bot webhook, it is a random string
TG_LIVE_TOKEN="000000000:ABCDEFGHiJkLMNoPQrSTuvWYXZ" # Your telegram bot token
TG_TEST_TOKEN="111111111:ABCDEFGHiJkLMNoPQrSTuvWYXZ" # Your test telegram bot token
ADMINS=[] # Telegram's ID of the bot admins
#### POSTGRESQL (required) ####
#### AMAZON WEB SERVICES (required) ####
#### GOOGLE CUSTOM SEARCH (required) ####
#### ALGOLIA (required) ####
#### MIXPANEL (optional) ####
MIXPANEL=false # true if you want to enable Mixpanel emailing support
#### MANDRILL (optional) ####
MANDRILL=false # true if you want to enable Mandrill emailing support
#### SLACK SUPPORT (optional) ####
SLACK=false # true if you want to enable Slack notification support
You are now ready to launch the app and test that everything works fine :
$ bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.conf.rb
Developing with webhooks can be tricky because it requires Telegram to be able to send queries to your bot instance. If, like 99% developers, you develop on your local PC, Telegram will not be able to send you requests. You should consider using ngrok, a true life-saving tool, to easily create secure tunnels to your localhost, thus allowing Telegram to contact your localhost. You should consider purchasing a licence because it is cheap yet super powerful but, for testing purposes, the free version will do: ngrok http 8080
You can use curl
to do it in a straightforward manner:
curl -s -X POST<TGTOKEN>/setWebhook?url=<yoursubdomain><WEBHOOK_PREFIX>
You should now be able to talk to your bot through Telegram and get answers. Troubleshooting potential errors should be easy thanks to ngrok.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
So far, pages is being developed and maintained by
- Thibauld Favre
- Feel free to contribute by checking the issues opened... we're waiting for you :)
Love our work and community? Help us keep it alive by donating funds to cover project expenses!
[Become a backer]
- LaPrimaireBot is released under the Apache 2 license
- Giskard is released under the Apache 2 license
- Telegram-bot-ruby is open-source