This project is now deprecated in favor of the Apple’s native framework. At the time of archiving this project, it has accumulated 98 stars and 11 forks on Github.
StockCharts is a library to create intertactive charts in SwiftUI.
In Xcode go to File -> Swift packages -> Add package dependency Copy and paste I’ve created a demo app using StockCharts called Trades. Check out the code in my Github
import StockCharts
let lineChartController = LineChartController(prices: [Double])
LineChartView(lineChartController: lineChartController)
You can customise the line chart with LineChartController
prices: [Double],
dates: [String]?, // format: yy-MM-dd
hours: [String]?, // has to correspond to dates
labelColor: Color,
indicatorPointColor: Color,
showingIndicatorLineColor: Color,
flatTrendLineColor: Color,
uptrendLineColor: Color,
downtrendLineColor: Color,
dragGesture: Bool
To enable the drag gesture set dragGesture to true in the LineChartController
prices: [Double],
dragGesture: true
CapsuleChartView(percentageOfWidth: CGFloat)
// percentageOfWidth: must be 0 <= x <= 1
import SwiftUI
import StockCharts
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25)
.frame(width: 400, height: 120)
.shadow(color: Color(.gray).opacity(0.15), radius: 10)
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Dennis Concepcion")
Text("Random guy")
CapsuleChartView(percentageOfWidth: 0.6, style: CapsuleChartStyle(capsuleColor: