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Starter project for your Synology NAS.

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

This document describes the Synology NAS automation and manual services that is provided for DevSecOps engineers.

1.2. Audience

The audience for this document includes:

  • Mobile User who will use their iPhone to access the container applications hosted on Synology NAS.

  • DevSecOps Engineer who will install, configure and update the Synology NAS services to ensure continuous uptime and backup redundancy.

1.3. Terms and Acronyms

Term Definition
DSM Disk Station Manager

2. System Overview

2.1. Benefits and Values

  1. We recommend Cloudflare security over both Tailscale and Zerotier VPNs to access your Synology NAS.
  • write infrastructure as code using a Terraform provider.
  • manage infrastructure as code using a GitLab CI/CD pipeline.

2.2. Limitations

  1. DSM 7.2 has stopped support for Docker.

2.3. Security


  • Cloudflare has a generous free tier (no credit card) compared to Tailscale.
    • has both a built-in SSO and a reverse proxy tunnel.
    • does not require an agent to be installed on each device.
    • requires a custom domain name.
  • High level overview of Cloudflare resources
%%{ init: { 'theme': 'dark' } }%%
  user["Public Users"]
  cf_url-->|resolved by|cf_dns
  user-->|HTTPS access|cf_url

  %% Zone
  cf_zone["Domain Names"]
  cf_dns["DNS Records"]
  cf_url["Self Hosted Domain Names"]

  %% Access
  cf_application["Access Applications"]
  cf_group["Access Groups"]
  cf_policy["Access Policies"]

  %% Ingress Rules
  cf_ingress["Ingress Rules"]

  %% External Resources
  ext_tunnel_agent["Tunnel Agents"]
  ext_connect["Connector IDs"]

  subgraph Cloudflare SaaS
    cf_zone-->|required by|cf_ingress
    cf_zone-->|required by|cf_application
    subgraph SSO
      cf_policy-->|bounded by|cf_group
    subgraph Reverse Proxy

  subgraph Home LAN
    cf_tunnel-->|map to|ext_connect
    cf_tunnel-->|HTTP access|ext_tunnel_agent
    cf_ingress-->|allow to|ext_tunnel_agent

2.4. Deprecated

  • ZeroTier was deprecated in favour of Tailscale.

  • Tailscale was deprecated in favour of Cloudflare.

    • Tailscale is supported by Synology Package Center, hence it does not require running a custom Docker container.
    • Tailscale has a lower limit on users and devices than ZeroTier.
  • Tailscale overview

    Tailscale overview

3. User Personas

3.1 RACI Matrix

Category Activity Mobile User DSO Engineer
Installation & Configuration Installing Ansible R,A
Installation & Configuration Setting up a cloudflared agent on your Synology NAS R,A
Installation & Configuration Protecting the route from Public Domain to your server R,A
Execution Creating a basic inventory file R,A
Execution Running your first Ad-Hoc Ansible command R,A
Execution Your first Ansible playbook R,A
Execution Docker-compose Deployment with SSH R,A
Execution Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Stack R,A
Execution Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Containers R,A
Execution Adding a new route from Public Domain to your server R,A
Updating Manually updating DSM R,A

4. Requirements

4.1. Synology

4.1.1. Changing SSH Password

Enabling SSH

You can enable SSH service from the Control Panel. Go to Terminal & SNMP and check the box Enable SSH service and click Apply.

After enabling SSH service, you will find out that you are unable to login with the admin password on the Synology web interface. We will need to temporarily enable Telnet service to fix this problem.

Temporarily Enabling Telnet (Deprecated)

Click here to Temporarily Enabling Telnet (Deprecated).

Under the previous Terminal & SNMP, check the box Enable Telnet service and click Apply. You have to connect to both Telnet and SSH on the LAN because it doesn't work with Quickconnect.

On your iPhone, download the app iTerminal. Open the app and create a Telnet connection specifying your [PRIVATE_IP] address on port 23.

Login using admin and same password as your Synology web interface. Type the following command to change the SSH password:

$ sudo synouser --setpw admin [PASSWORD]

If it doesn't work the first time, try again. After changing the password, you should be able to SSH to your Synology.

Return to your Synology Control Panel, and disable the Telnet service.

Warning: Changing the admin password using Task Scheduler did not work.

4.1.2. Connecting via SSH

Click here to Connecting via SSH.

Using the app iTerminal, create an SSH connection specifying your IP address on port 22. Login using admin and your password, and type EXACT:

$ sudo ln -s /var/run/docker.sock /volume1/docker/docker.sock

Warning: Even after creating the symlink you cannot create the container from the Docker UI. This is because symlinks are not listed when trying to create a volume/file link.

4.1.3. Installing Portainer

Click here to Installing Portainer.

The Synology Docker UI is nice but lacks some functionality such as Stacks, Templates, etc. Portainer will run seamlessly along side the Synology Docker UI.

First make a folder on your Synology Web Interface to hold the portainer data, using File Station, i.e. /DBDock/docker/portainer.

However before we can install Portainer, we need to login via SSH as admin (password is same as your Synology Web Interface).


Now run the following command to grab the Portainer image.

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /volume1/docker/portainer:/data portainer/portainer

Warning: Do not change volume1 as it is the EXACT name of DBDock.

Now check to see if it worked, you need to access the Portainer container from your LAN, i.e. [PRIVATE_IP], on port 9000. Create the admin user and password.

Once logged in, select the Local environment and press the Connect button. You should be able to see a Dashboard of all your Docker files.

4.1.7. Using Portainer

Click here to Using Portainer.

Access the Portainer container from your LAN, i.e. [PRIVATE_IP], on port 9000, and login as admin.

Basic Container Settings

Click on the side menu Containers, then click on + Add Container.

Enter both the container and image names. For example, objTeedy and jdreinhardt/teedy:latest.

Click on + publish a new network port and enter host port 8080 and container port 8080. Ensure TCP is selected.

Advanced Container Settings

Click on Volumes and then + map additional volume button.

Map container path /data to host volume teedy_vol_data.

Click on Network and then select nginxpm_net_public.

Click on Deploy the container.

5. Installation and Configuration

5.1. Installing Ansible

Click here to Installing Ansible.

Ansible's only real dependency is Python. Once Python is installed, the simplest way to get Ansible running is to use pip.

pip install ansible

You must enable SSH remote connection on your Synology NAS before running Ansible commands. You can follow the steps in this article:

Configure the SSH server on your Synology NAS

5.4. Setting up a cloudflared agent on your Synology NAS

This runbook should be performed by the DevSecOps.

Click here to Setting up a `cloudflared` agent on your Synology NAS.

Warning: You should perform this runbook for client-facing applications that do not contain sensitive data.

  1. Navigate to your Synology DSM Console > Package Center > Settings > Package Sources.

  2. Click Add to add a new package source.

  • For Name, enter SynoCommunity.
  • For Location, enter
  1. Click OK, then click Community in the left hand menu.

  2. Search for cloudflared package, then click Install.

  3. Before you can complete the installation, you will require a cloudflared registration token.

  4. Open a new browser tab, and navigate to your Cloudflare Console > Zero Trust > Access > Tunnels.

  5. Click Create a tunnel, then enter a Tunnel name, e.g. dbdock-synocommunity-package-cloudflared.

  6. Click Save tunnel to generate a registration token, then copy this token.

  7. Return to your browser tab Synology Console, then paste this token to complete the cloudflared package installation.

  8. If successful, you should see cloudflared package Running on your Synology NAS.

  9. Return to your browser tab Cloudflare Console, and you should see the status HEALTHY for your new tunnel.

Note: For the next step, you may expose multiple applications or services within your new tunnel by Adding a new route from Public Domain to your server.

5.5 Protecting the route from Public Domain to your server

Click here to Protecting the route from Public Domain to your server.

This runbook should be performed by the DevSecOps.

Cloudflare Zero Trust enables you to protect your routes from Public Domain to your applications and services hosted on internal server, by setting up an Application Policy, which is similar to a web application firewall (WAF).

  1. Navigate to your Cloudflare Console > Zero Trust > Access > Applications.

  2. Click Add an application, and then select Self-hosted type.

  3. Enter the following values:

  • For Application name, enter a name for the application policy, e.g. dbdock-synocommunity-package-cloudflared.
  • For Session Duration, enter the length of each session, e.g. 24 hours.
  1. Under the Application domain, enter one or more Public domains that you want to protect.
  • For Subdomain, enter your Public subdomain, e.g. localstack.
  • For Domain, select your Public domain from the drop-down list, e.g.
  1. Click Next, for Policy name, enter a new policy, e.g. default.
  • For Action, leave as Allow.
  1. Under Configure rules, add one or more Include rules to whitelist your users.
  • For Selector, choose Country, and for Value, choose one or more countries from the drop-down list, e.g. Singapore.
  • Click Add include, then for Selector, choose Emails, and for Value, enter one or more emails to whitelist.
  1. Click Next, leave all values as default, and click Add application.

6. Execution

6.1. Creating a basic inventory file

Click here to Creating a basic inventory file.

Ansible uses an inventory file (basically, a list of servers) to communicate with your servers. Create a file hosts in your project root folder and add one server to it:


The wifi is an arbitrary name for the group of servers you're managing, followed by the IP addresses of your servers, one per line. If you're not using port 22 for SSH, you will need to append it to the address.

6.2. Running your first Ad-Hoc Ansible command

Click here to Running your first Ad-Hoc Ansible command.

Now that you've installed Ansible and created an inventory file, it's time to run a command:

ansible <group> -i ./hosts -m ping -u <user>

Ansible assumes you're using a passwordless login for SSH (e.g. you login by entering ssh <user>@<serverip>). If you're using a password, add the -k flag to Ansible commands (you may need to install the sshpass package for this to work).

You can associate a <user> with each IP address, thus making your Ansible commands shorter.

[wifi] ansible_user=admin

Alternatively, you can place the ansible_user variable under a group <group>:vars, which then applies the variables to all servers in that group.



The previous command would now be:

ansible <group> -i ./hosts -m ping

6.3. Your first Ansible playbook

Click here to Your first Ansible playbook.

Create a folder plays/ and add a file check-linux-system-playbook.yml in that folder. Copy and paste the following code:

- hosts: all
  become: yes
  - name: Ensure NTP is running
    service: name=ntpd state=started

Now that you've created your first Ansible playbook, it is time to run it.

ansible-playbook -i ./hosts plays/check-linux-system-playbook.yml

6.4. Docker-compose Deployment with SSH

Click here to Docker-compose Deployment with SSH.
  1. Open a local terminal and remote SSH to your Synology NAS.
ssh admin@IP_ADDRESS
  1. Navigate to the path ~/docker-compose/paperless, where HOME folder is /var/services/homes/admin/.

  2. Run docker-compose with sudo privileges.

sudo docker-compose.yml
  1. Ensure that the USERMAP_UID and USERMAP_GID is unused.
cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000
  1. Create a paperless admin user.
docker exec -it paperlessng_webserver_1 python3 /usr/src/paperless/src/ createsuperuser --username=admin --

6.5. Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Stack

Click here to Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Stack.
  1. Navigate and login to Portainer UI, e.g. http://localhost:9000, then click on Local.

  2. Click on Stacks -> + Add stack.

  • Name: paperlessng

Navigate to the section Build method, and click on Upload, then Select file. Select your docker-compose.yml file.

# docker-compose file for running paperless from the Docker Hub.
# This file contains everything paperless needs to run.
# Paperless supports amd64, arm and arm64 hardware.
# All compose files of paperless configure paperless in the following way:
# - Paperless is (re)started on system boot, if it was running before shutdown.
# - Docker volumes for storing data are managed by Docker.
# - Folders for importing and exporting files are created in the same directory
#   as this file and mounted to the correct folders inside the container.
# - Paperless listens on port 8010.
# In addition to that, this docker-compose file adds the following optional
# configurations:
# - Instead of SQLite (default), PostgreSQL is used as the database server.
# To install and update paperless with this file, do the following:
# - Open portainer Stacks list and click 'Add stack'
# - Paste the contents of this file and assign a name, e.g. 'Paperless'
# - Click 'Deploy the stack' and wait for it to be deployed
# - Open the list of containers, select paperless_webserver_1
# - Click 'Console' and then 'Connect' to open the command line inside the container
# - Run 'python3 createsuperuser' to create a user
# - Exit the console
# For more extensive installation and update instructions, refer to the
# documentation.

version: "2"
    image: redis:6.0
    restart: unless-stopped
      - vol_redis:/data
      - net_private

    image: postgres:13
    restart: unless-stopped
      - vol_postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      POSTGRES_DB: paperless
      POSTGRES_USER: paperless
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: paperless
      - net_private

    image: jonaswinkler/paperless-ng:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - db
      - broker
      - 8080:8000
      # URL: http://localhost:8080/
      - vol_data:/usr/src/paperless/data
      - vol_media:/usr/src/paperless/media
      - /var/services/homes/admin/docker-compose/paperless/export:/usr/src/paperless/export
      - /var/services/homes/admin/docker-compose/paperless/consume:/usr/src/paperless/consume
      PAPERLESS_REDIS: redis://broker:6379
# The UID and GID of the user used to run paperless in the container. Set this
# to your UID and GID on the host so that you have write access to the
# consumption directory.
      USERMAP_UID: 1000
      USERMAP_GID: 1000
# Additional languages to install for text recognition, separated by a
# whitespace. Note that this is
# different from PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE (default=eng), which defines the
# language used for OCR.
# The container installs English, German, Italian, Spanish and French by
# default.
# See
# for available languages.
# Adjust this key if you plan to make paperless available publicly. It should
# be a very long sequence of random characters. You don't need to remember it.
      #PAPERLESS_SECRET_KEY: change-me
# Use this variable to set a timezone for the Paperless Docker containers. If not specified, defaults to UTC.
      PAPERLESS_TIME_ZONE: Asia/Singapore
# The default language to use for OCR. Set this to the language most of your
# documents are written in.
      - net_public
      - net_private

  # Named volumes are stored in a part of the host filesystem
  # which is managed by Docker (/volume1/@docker/volumes/ on Synology)
  # Docker appends [FOLDER] name to named volumes.
  #   paperlessng_vol_data

  # Docker appends [FOLDER] name to named networks.
  #   paperlessng_net_public
  #   paperlessng_net_private
  1. Open the container paperless_webserver_1. Navigate to Connected networks, and select a network bridge. Then, click Join network.

  2. Navigate to the Container status, and click on >_ Console. Then, click Connect and type the following command:

python3 /usr/src/paperless/src/ createsuperuser --username=admin

This command will create a superuser admin. Enter your email and password when prompted. Type exit when done.

  1. Navigate to the Container status, and click on Logs. Check if there are any errors in the log.

6.6. Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Containers

Click here to Docker-compose Deployment with Portainer Containers.
  1. Navigate and login to Portainer UI, e.g. http://localhost:9000, then click on Local.

  2. Add volumes for all containers. Click on Volumes -> + Add volume.

  • Name: paperless_vol_redis

Click Create the volume. Do this for all the volumes.

  1. Add the database container. Click on + Add container button and enter the database info.
  • Name: paperless_redis
  • Image: redis:6.0

Navigate to the section Advanced container settings, click on Volumes -> + map additional volume.

  • container: /data
  • volume: paperless_vol_redis

Navigate to Network, and select nginxpm_net_private.

Navigate to Restart policy, and select Unless stopped.

Click Deploy the container and your database container should start. Do this for all the databases.

  1. Add the web server container. Click on + Add container button and enter the application info.
  • Name: paperless_app
  • Image jonaswinkler/paperless-ng:latest

Navigate to the section Network ports configuration, click on + publish a new network port.

  • host: 8080
  • container: 8000

Navigate to the section Advanced container settings, click on Volumes -> + map additional volume.

  • container: /usr/src/paperless/data

  • volume: paperless_vol_data

  • container: /usr/src/paperless/media

  • volume: paperless_vol_media

  • container: /usr/src/paperless/export

  • volume: /var/services/homes/admin/docker-compose/paperless/export

  • container: /usr/src/paperless/consume

  • volume: /var/services/homes/admin/docker-compose/paperless/consume

Navigate to Network, and select bridge. Also, add nginxpm_net_private.

Navigate to Env, and click on + add environment variable.


  • value: redis://paperless_redis:6379


  • value: paperless_db

  • name: USERMAP_UID

  • value: 1000

  • name: USERMAP_GID

  • value: 1000

Navigate to Restart policy, and select Unless stopped.

6.7. Adding a new route from Public Domain to your server

Click here to Adding a new route from Public Domain to your server.

This runbook should be performed by the DevSecOps.

  1. Navigate to your Cloudflare Console > Zero Trust > Access > Tunnels > select an existing tunnel.

  2. Click Configure > Public Hostname > click Add a public hostname.

  3. Enter the following values, under Public hostname:

  • For Subdomain, enter your application name, e.g. localstack.
  • For Domain, select an existing domain from the drop-down list, e.g.
  1. Enter the following values, under Service:
  • For Type, select HTTP.
  • For URL, enter the LAN IP address and port of your application, e.g. 192.x.x.1:8080.

Warning: You can only add a LAN IP address of an application that is hosted on the same server as your cloudflared agent.

  1. Leave the other fields as default values, and click Save hostname.

  2. Navigate to Cloudflare Console > Zero Trust > Access > select an existing application policy name.

  3. Click Configure > Policies, select a policy name, e.g. default > click Overview.

  4. Under Application domain, click Add domain.

  • For Subdomain, enter your application name, e.g. localstack.
  • For Domain, select an existing domain from the drop-down list, e.g.
  1. Test the domain by navigating to the your new URL, e.g.

9. Updating

9.1. Manually updating Disk Station Manager (DSM)

Click here to Manually updating Disk Station Manager (DSM).

This runbook should be performed by the DevSecOps Engineer.

  1. Navigate to your Synology NAS Console > Control Panel > Update & Restore

  2. Click on Download to download the latest DSM.

  3. After download has completed successfully, click on Update Now.

  4. The update may restart the device including all services and packages once the update is complete.

9.2. Manually installing additional RAM in Synology DS920+

Click here to Manually installing additional RAM in Synology DS920+.

This runbook should be performed by the DevSecOps Engineer.

  1. Before installing the RAM, perform any updates to the DSM first.

| The RAM used is the official Synology Memory Module, D4NESO-2666-4G, DDR4-2666 260pin, Non-ECC Unbuffered SO-DIMM 4GB RAM.

  1. Check your existing memory size before shutting down your Synology NAS.

  2. Remove all the HDD trays from your NAS while taking note of the order.

  3. Earth yourself by touching a heavy metal object first.

  4. Insert the additional RAM on the right inner wall of the NAS until you hear a click sound.

  5. Insert all the HDD trays in the same order as before.

  6. Start your Synology NAS and check your new memory size.

10. Troubleshooting

10.1 Using SSH connection type with passwords

Click here to troubleshoot Using SSH connection type with passwords.

If you get this error when using option -k to ask for connection password, you must install the sshpass program.

    "msg": "to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program"

There are instructions on how to install sshpass here:

For macOS, you will need to install Xcode and command line tools then use the unofficial Homebrew command:

brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass

10.2. Too many authentication failure

Click here to troubleshoot Too many authentication failure.

If you get the following SSH Error:

$ Received disconnect from host: 2: Too many authentication failures

This could happen if you have five or more DSA/RSA identity files stored in your .ssh directory. In this case if the -i option isn't specified at the command line the ssh client will first attempt to login using each identity (private key) and next prompt for password authentication. However, sshd drops the connection after five bad login attempts (again default may vary).

So if you have a number of private keys in your .ssh directory you could disable Public Key Authentication at the command line using the -o optional argument.

ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no <user>@<serverip>

10.3. You are still asked by SSH to enter a password

Click here to troubleshoot You are still asked by SSH to enter a password.

SSH to your server and change the following permissions:

chmod 755 $HOME
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

10.4. Missing sudo password

Click here to troubleshoot Missing sudo password.

If you get the following error:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "Missing sudo password"}

Connect to your Synology NAS via SSH and then become a superuser sudo su -. Enter your root password which should be the same as your admin password.

Create a file /etc/sudoers.d/admin and add the following line:


You have enabled superuser for your Ansible commands.

11. References

The following resources were used as a single-use reference.

Title Author Publisher Date [Short Code]
GitHub repo: CLI client for Portainer Juan Carlos Mejías Rodríguez Oct 2019
Ansible for DevOps
How to build your inventory Ansible Documentation 2022
Synology Docker Media Server with Traefik, Docker Compose, and Cloudflare Anand Jul 2020
DSM broken after latest Update


No description, website, or topics provided.






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