The goal of budgetmanager is to access your bank information (balance, operations, ...) directly through R. In most cases, those informations can only be accessed through their website. This package use Selenium and phantomjs (a headless web browser) to simulate a connexion to the bank website, gain the credentials and navigate through the pages to get whatever information is needed.
Currently, only Boursorama bank is working.
You can install budgetmanager from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is a basic example to get some informations about your bank account.
# First, a Bank object needs to be created with your credentials
bank <- Bank$new("boursorama", my_account_number, my_password)
# This method will connect to the bank website
# Fetch the balance of your bank accounts
# Download operations from all your bank accounts from january 2010 to today
bank$get_operations(from = as.Date("2010-01-01"), to = sys.Date(), by = "1 year")
# First, a Bank object needs to be created with your credentials
bank <- Bank$new("credit_agricole", my_account_number, my_password, postal_code)
# This method will connect to the bank website
# Fetch the balance of your bank accounts