A small utility to get data from the Yoda1 Bluetooh Body Scale.
- Go 1.15+
- Bluetooth scale linked above
mkdir -p ./bin
go build -o ./bin/yoda1-scale ./cmd/yoda1-scale
# Turn on the scale
INFO[0000] Scanning for devices... please step on your scale
WARN[0015] unable to parse device: unable to get device name: No such property 'Name'
WARN[0015] unable to parse device: unable to get device name: No such property 'Name'
INFO[0015] Device detected! Starting listening for events
INFO[0031] scaleData={23.12}
INFO[0052] scaleData={23.12}
INFO[0063] scaleData={20.77}
INFO[0091] scaleData={20.77}