Releases: derstich/napp_vapp
NAPPv4.0.1 vAPP with CSI Driver
NAPP vAPP Version 4.0.1-0.0-20606727 with CSI Driver for NSX Version4.x
357c1d017bb01aaf615b0467e6c505c1 NAPP-Appliance_4_0_1-csi_vapp.ova
If you are not able to access the vCenter from the vAPP or if you do not have the rights to modify Storage in vCenter, you should use NAPP vAPP with NFS Provisioner
NAPPv3.2.1 vAPP with CSI Driver
NAPP vAPP Version 3.2.1-1.0-20140674 with CSI Driver for NSX 3.x and 4.x
c086b3d42dbace286d0480ba568b55dc NAPP-Appliance_3_2_1-csi-0.2.1_vapp.ova
d075924b0c8ae9ef95cf7f66c88f616d NAPP-Appliance_3_2_1-csi-0.2.1_node_app.ova
If you are not able to access the vCenter from the vAPP or if you do not have the rights to modify Storage in vCenter, you should use NAPP vAPP with NFS Provisioner
NAPP vAPP with NFS Provisioner
This vAPP has an integrated NFS Server and runs without vCenter User/Credentials. If you have a vCenter Account you should use the vAPP with CSI Driver because this has a better performance.
bfad846c0872cb69e37f3bca772cfd7b NAPP-Appliance_0.1.5_master_app.ova
b383db839992ba706ad4fc48445ad6fc NAPP-Appliance_0.1.5_node_app.ova
d9b0b491bfcb5e97115a0301ca0f9544 NAPP-Appliance_0.1.5_vapp.ova
NAPP vAPP with CSI Driver
NAPP vAPP with CSI Driver instead of NFS Provisioner to speed up Response Times in Kubernetes Cluster
c4f2501afe5bb80b813f93e9b97a5a6e NAPP-Appliance_csi-0.1.0_vapp.ova
3933e69f5abe07c20d39500342e9ca86 NAPP-Appliance_csi-0.1.0_node_app.ova
If you are not able to access the vCenter from the vAPP or if you do not have the rights to modify Storage in vCenter, you should use NAPP vAPP with NFS Provisioner