A dependency-less solution to safely theme your react apps.
- Strict type safety
- Strong emphases on developer experience
- No unnecessary re-renders when there are no style changes
- No external dependencies
- restyle (https://github.com/Shopify/restyle)
- dripsy (https://github.com/nandorojo/dripsy)
These are both great libraries that have much fancier features that I fully recommend.
With npm:
$ npm install react-safe-schema --save
With yarn:
$ yarn add react-safe-schema
<SView bigCard fullWidth={someCondition}>
<SText boldButton marginTop={'l'}>Tap Here</SText>
import {startTheme} from 'react-safe-style';
export const SafeStyleTheme = startTheme({
colors: {
grey100: '#F8F8F8',
grey200: '#EEEEEE',
grey300: '#E0E0E0',
grey400: '#BDBDBD',
grey500: '#9E9E9E',
grey600: '#757575',
grey700: '#5a5a5a',
grey800: '#353535',
grey900: '#212121',
primary: '#F47C47',
bad: '#ff6961',
dark: '#353535',
light: '#5a5a5a',
// margin/padding
spacing: {
xs: 4,
s: 8,
m: 16,
l: 24,
borderRadii: {
button: 15,
card: 6,
// add some base common classes
fullWidth: {width: '100%'},
fullHeight: {height: '100%'},
textCenter: {textAlign: 'center'},
f1: {flex: 1},
center: {justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'},
alignCenter: {alignItems: 'center'},
justifyCenter: {justifyContent: 'center'},
stretch: {alignItems: 'stretch'},
row: {flexDirection: 'row'},
m_m: {margin: 'm'},
mh_m: {marginHorizontal: 'm'},
mv_m: {marginVertical: 'm'},
elevation1: { shadowColor: 'black',shadowOffset: {width: 0,height: 1,},shadowOpacity: 0.18,shadowRadius: 1.0,elevation: 1,},
elevation2: {shadowColor: 'black',shadowOffset: {width: 0,height: 1,},shadowOpacity: 0.2,shadowRadius: 1.41,elevation: 2,},
rotate90: {transform: [{rotate: '90deg'}]},
fRegular: {fontFamily: 'Poppins-Regular'},
fBold: {fontFamily: 'Poppins-Bold'},
sizeXs: {fontSize: 12},
sizeSm: {fontSize: 14},
sizeBase: {fontSize: 16},
sizeLg: {fontSize: 18},
sizeXl: {fontSize: 20},
size2xl: {fontSize: 24},
size3xl: {fontSize: 30},
fColDark: {color: 'dark'},
fColLight: {color: 'light'},
// add the default classes you want applied to all views and text elements (if any)
.addDefaultClasses({text: ['fRegular']})
// add your global classes
// the first parameter is view classes
bigCard: [
// base classes can be added here with full intelisense for reusability
// as well as custom safe styles
borderRadius: 'button',
backgroundColor: 'grey100',
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: 'dark',
// the second parameter is text classes
boldButton: ['sizeBase', 'fColDark', 'fSBold', 'textCenter', {padding: 's', marginVertical: 's'}],
h1: ['size3xl', 'fColDark', 'fSBold'],
You can pass any react component and make it safely stylable, even imported components like FastImage and complicated components like Reanimated.View.
You pass your theme into either makeView or makeText to support view styles and text styles respectively. You can name the resulting component however you'd like.
import {makeView, makeText} from 'react-safe-style';
export const SView = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, View);
export const SPressable = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, Pressable);
export const SText = makeText(SafeStyleTheme, Text);
export const SImage = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, Image);
export const SYourComponent = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, YourComponent);
export const SFastImage = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, FastImage);
export const SReanimatedView = makeView(SafeStyleTheme, Reanimated.View);
/// etc
<SafeStyleProvider theme={SafeStyleTheme}>
Style classes are implemented as boolean props. Typically, you will use the shorthand for true, but you may set it to false to disable the class.
You can also apply inline styles using props instead of the style object, so you do not have to worry about re-renders due to style={{marginTop:16}}
import {SView, SText} from '../yourThemeFile';
<SView bigCard fullWidth={someCondition}>
<SText boldButton marginTop={'l'}>Tap Here</SText>
Sometimes you have a common set of classes and styles that are only used in a single component. Instead of polluting your global styles you can use the useBespokeStyles
First declare the useBespokeStyle hook by passing your theme into makeUseBespokeStyle:
import {makeUseBespokeStyle} from 'react-safe-style';
export const useBespokeStyle = makeUseBespokeStyle(SafeStyleTheme);
Then use your hook by passing a key for the class name, and the same style details you would use in your theme object.
import {useBespokeStyle} from '../yourThemeFile';
function CustomComponent(){
const bespokeStyle = useBespokeStyle({
card: [
borderRadius: 'dramatic',
borderWidth: 5,
borderColor: 'primary',
backgroundColor: 'white',
p: 's',
return (
<BText color={'primary'} size3xl fLight>
Occasionally (but rarely) you will want better control over the styles in your custom component, for instance taking in separate class details to style separate parts, like in a button.
import {extractSafeStyleProps, makeTextPropsPrefix, makeViewProps, useSafeStyle} from 'react-safe-style';
// the safe view style props type
export const SafeStyleViewProps = makeViewProps(SafeStyleTheme);
// the save text style props type, but prefixed with `text_`
export const SafeStyleTextPrefixProps = makeTextPropsPrefix(SafeStyleTheme, 'text_');
type FancyButtonProps = TouchableOpacityProps
& typeof SafeStyleViewProps
& typeof SafeStyleTextPrefixProps;
export const FancyButton = ({onPress, children, ...rest}: FancyButtonProps) => {
// grab the text and view transformers for your theme
const {text, view} = useSafeStyle(SafeStyleTheme);
// grab the `text_` style props passed in
const {newProps: nonTextProps, keys: textKeys} = extractSafeStyleProps(SafeStyleTheme, rest, 'text', 'text_');
// grab the other style props passed in
const {newProps, keys: viewKeys} = extractSafeStyleProps(SafeStyleTheme, nonTextProps, 'view');
// compute the view style object from the view style props
let viewStyle = view(viewKeys);
// compute the text style object from the text style props
let textStyle = text(textKeys);
return (
<TouchableOpacity {...newProps} style={viewStyle}>
<Text style={textStyle}>{children}</Text>
Which can be used like this:
// style props are passed to the TouchableOpacity
// text_ props are passed to the Text
// all remaining props are spread into TouchableOpacity
SafeStyle maintains a list of all the style based props that can be passed in and plucks them off the props object, spreading the remainder into the passed in component. It keeps a running cache of the computed styles to ensure it will never rerender unnecessarily.
I was constantly running into cases of hundreds of different margins, colors, and common classes that had to live somewhere in the project, but nothing felt right from a DX standpoint. Stylesheet.create was always cumbersome and didn't solve the theming or common classes problem.
Reach out in the issues if you have problems or features you would like added. PRs welcome!