This repository houses an example of how to use Go-Client, and more specifically, how to write unit-tests for functions which use the Kubernetes Go-Client.
This repository is meant to go along with the Fake it Until You Make it: Unit Tests with Go-Client Fake Client Presentation for KubeCon Europe 2019.
You can also follow along with the recorded session on youtube.
In order to run this application, you must first install a couple of dependancies.
You can install dep and the just run the following command:
dep ensure
Note: These dependancies were generated for Kubernetes version 1.14. The code may only work with that Kubernetes version.
You can install minikube and then run:
minikube start
This will generate a config in $HOME/.kube/config
Now we can generate a few secrets to test it out:
kubectl create secret generic my-login-information --from-literal=username=us3r1 --from-literal=password=p4ssw0rd2
kubectl create secret generic my-api-key --from-literal=apikey=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
Once the dependancies have been installed, and minikube has been setup, you can simply run:
go run internal/main.go
If you want to use another Kubernetes Cluster, then you can pass the -kubeconfig
go run internal/main.go -kubeconfig <path-to-kubeconfig>
This will output something similar to the following:
"password": "p4ssw0rd1",
"username": "admin"
Note: You may need additional setup depending on your cloud provider. For example extra authentication to the clusters.
You can run the Unit-Tests by running:
go test ./...