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alt "Image of the workspace after executing the GA([2,0,0]) command"


Welcome to Sugar lib, sugar stands for Symbolic and User-friendly Geometric Algebra Routines. This package is accompanied by a paper (doi of the preprint version at arXiv: 2403.16634)

Sugar is an open source engineer-friendly toolbox for Matlab licensed under the MIT License that allows computing with geometric algebras (GAs), and in particular, it supports symbolic computations, and both numeric and symbolic computations are available in high-dimensional GAs. SUGAR is specially targeted to be used in engineering applications. To this end, it is designed to represent geometric elements and transformations in 2D and 3D projective and conformal geometric algebras intuitively, aligning with computations commonly found in the literature. In addition, it handles numerically and symbolically functions of multivectors such as, for instance, the exponential, logarithm, sinus and cosinus functions, among others. These features make SUGAR suitable for various engineering fields, including robotics, control systems, and power electronics.

Installation Guide

In order to add Sugar to your Matlab distribution please follow these next steps:

  1. Obtaining the Repository:

    You can clone or download the Sugar repository to a location on your computer. This can be done via the command line or directly through GitHub's interface:

    • To clone using the command line, type the following command:

      $ git clone
    • Alternatively, you can download the repo using the dropdown menu from the green "Code" button on GitHub:

      Code menu

      And unzip the downloaded file to anywere on your computer.

  2. Adding Sugar to Matlab:

    Method 1: GUI based

    To integrate Sugar into Matlab, add the downloaded folder with its subfolders to your Matlab path:

    • Open the Matlab home menu and click on "Set Path":

      Matlab Home menu

    • In the dialog that appears select "Add with Subfolders", navigate to the Sugar folder you just downloaded and click on "Apply". Matlab Home menu

    Method 2: command line based In the Matlab command window type

     >> addpath(genpath('sugar_foldr_name'));
     >> savepath;

    where sugar_folder_name is the absolute path of the folder where you downloaded Sugar.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Sugar in Matlab. To start using Sugar and exploring its functionalities, proceed with the following sections of this guide.

Please note, this guide does not cover the basics of geometric algebra. For those interested in learning more about geometric algebra, we recommend visiting The Bivector Website, which offers excellent resources for beginners.

Basic functions

In the following section, we will outline the fundamental operations within the sugar environment.

GA( [p,q,r] ), declare a set of basis with a given signature

This is useful for shorthand multi-vector creation, if "verbose" option is prvided, you get the info of all the variables created into the matlab workspace, for instance:

>> GA([1,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)e1

If we want to create a basis for complex numbers

>> GA([0,1,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)e1 

Or, for instance, quaternion-based algebra

>> GA([0,2,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=-1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=-1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)e1+(1)e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)e12 

Alterntively, you can call it without the "verbose" option, which makes it silent (no text written to the output)

The effects of calling "GA" is a set of new variables declared into the workspace. Try this: clean up all variables and make a call to basis with an specific algebra to check which variables are created

>> clear all
>> GA([2,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)e1+(1)e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)e12 

Which results in a workspace containing thesse variables

alt "Image of the workspace after executing the GA([2,0,0]) command"

Which can be used in order to compose vectors or multivectors. Let's inspect the created variables

>> e1

e1 = 

( 1 )e1
>> e2

e2 = 

( 1 )e2
>> e12

e12 = 

( 1 )e12

You can operate on these variables in different ways

>> e1*e2

ans = 

( 1 )*e12
>> e2*e1

ans = 

( -1 )*e12
>> e1+e2

ans = 

( 1 )*e1+( 1 )*e2
>> e2+e12

ans = 

( 1 )*e2+( 1 )*e12

And the algebra basic properties behave as expected

>> e1*e1

ans = 

( 1 )e0
>> e2*e2

ans = 

( 1 )e0
>> e12*e12

ans = 

( -1 )*e0 

Note the e0 presence in order to indicate that is a multivector with scalar part. The scalar part is allways folowed by a e0 component, which is just 1.

Declaring multi-vectors

There are two ways to declare a multi-vector, the first one is to provide the complete set of coefficients of the multi-vector and the signature ([p,q,r]) of the algebra towhich it belongs.

>> MV([1 1 2 3],[2,0,0])

ans = 

 ( 1 )*e0+( 1 )*e1+( 2 )*e2+( 3 )*e12

This way of declaring multivectors is usefull in some cases, but it turns out to be dificult for big algebras. The second one is to use a shorthand notation after calling the basis function

>> GA([2,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)*e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)*e1+(1)*e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)*e12 

>> 1+e1+2*e2+3*e12

ans = 

( 1 )*e0+( 1 )*e1+( 2 )*e2+( 3 )*e12

which turns out to be the same multi-vector as before.

This multivector can be assigned to a variable into the workspace


A = 

( 1 )*e0+( 1 )*e1+( 2 )*e2+( 3 )*e12

which can be used to perform computations.

Sugar also supports symbolic coefficients in the multivector, which allows you to make generalized computations and to solve some parameter based problems. For instance :

>>syms x
ans = 	

 ( x )*e1	

This is the cornerstone that enables the extraordinary capabilities you may be looking for.

Multi-vector properties

The properties associated with a multi-vector are:

  • The signature
  • The vector coefficients
  • The matrix representation (in ortogonal basis vectors)
  • The basis related to the multi-vector

Lets show them by example

>> GA([2,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)*e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)*e1+(1)*e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)*e12 

>> a=1+e1+e2-e12 %Declare a simple multivector

a = 

( 1 )*e0+( 1 )*e1+( 1 )*e2+( -1 )*e12
>> % Retrieve the algebra signature to which it belongs
>> a.Lsignature

ans =

	2     0     0

>> % Vector representation of the coefficients
>> a.vector

ans =

	1     1     1    -1

>> % Matrix representation of the coefficients
>> a.matrix

ans =

	 1     1     1     1
	 1     1    -1    -1
	 1     1     1     1
	-1    -1     1     1

>> a.BasisNames	%Set of basis of the vector's algebra

ans =

1×4 cell array

	{["e0"]}    {["e1"]}    {["e2"]}    {["e12"]}

Slicing, and recovering components of a multi-vector

Sugar allows a natural slicing of the multi-vector, but the indexing is vector-based and decopuled from the name of the basis

>> syms x y z t real
>> GA([2,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)*e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)*e1+(1)*e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)*e12 

>> A=x*e0 + y*e1 + z*e2 + t*e12 % declare a MV with symbolic coefficients 

A = 

( x )*e0+( y )*e1+( z )*e2+( t )*e12
>> A(1)

ans =


>> A(2)

ans =


Its possible to make the slicing (coefficients selection) using standard matlab notation

>> A(1:2)

ans =

[x, y]

>> A(2:4)

ans =

[y, z, t]

Also, slicing refered to the basis names is possible

>> A(e1)

ans =


>> A(e12)

ans =


But we are still working in this feature, as a consecuence you cannot ask for a range

>> A(e1:e12)
Operator ':' is not supported for operands of type 'MV'.

Instead use a multi-vector to get this

>> A(e1+e2+e12)

ans =

[y, z, t]

In case that you wnat to retrive the multivector instead of the coefficients of the multi-vector you are allowed to use curly brackets

>> A{1}

ans = 

( x )*e0
>> A{2}

ans = 

( y )*e1
>> A{1:2}

ans = 

( x )*e0+( y )*e1
>> A{2:4}

ans = 

( y )*e1+( z )*e2+( t )*e12
>> A{e1}

ans = 

( y )*e1
>> A{e2}

ans = 

( z )*e2
>> A{e1+e2}

ans = 

( y )*e1+( z )*e2

This feature allows you to retrieve any grade from a multivector, because Sugar declared the variables G... into the workspace, As you may recall

>> GA([2,0,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)*e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)*e1+(1)*e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)*e12 

So when retiving garde coefficients you can operate with both methods

>> A(G1)

ans =

[y, z]

>> A{G1}

ans = 

( y )*e1+( z )*e2

In any case there is a multi-vector method to retrive a grade, namely

>> A.grade(1)

ans = 

( y )*e1+( z )*e2

Basic multi-vector operations

Table of operators

Name Ascii operator
Addition of A and B A+B
Substrac B from A A-B
Geometric product of A and B A*B
Inner Product of A and B A.*B
Outer Product of A and B A.^B
Scalar power of A to k A^k
Vee of A and B dual(A.dual*B.dual) A&B
Dual of A A.dual or dual(A)
Reverse of A A.reverse or reverse(A) ~A
Conjugate of A A.conjugate or conjugate(A) A'
Inverse of A inv(A) A^-1

Learn by example basic operations

Plus and Minus operations are allowed among multi-vectors

>> GA([1,1,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=1
Declaring e2 such that e2·e2=-1
Declaring e12 such that e12·e12=1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)*e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)*e1+(1)*e2 
Declaring G2 for grade slicing as (1)*e12 
>> A=1+e1+e2+e12

A = 

 ( 1 )*e0 ( 1 )*e1 ( 1 )*e2 ( 1 )*e12
>> B=-3*e12

B = 

 ( -3 )*e12
>> A+B

ans = 

 ( 1 )*e0 ( 1 )*e1 ( 1 )*e2 ( -2 )*e12
>> A-B

ans = 

 ( 1 )*e0 ( 1 )*e1 ( 1 )*e2 ( 4 )*e12

The most important operation over multi-vectors is the geometric product denoted by "*"

We can check that CL[0,1,0] is really the complex number system making a geometric product

>> GA([0,1,0],"verbose")
Declaring e0 as syntatic sugar, e0=1
Declaring e1 such that e1·e1=-1

Declaring G0 for grade slicing as (1)e0 
Declaring G1 for grade slicing as (1)e1 

>> C1=1+2*e1;
>> C2=5-1*e1;
>> C1*C2

ans = 

 ( 7 )*e0+( 9 )*e1

Doing the same operation in complex notation

>> C1=1+2*1i;	
>> C2=5-1*1i;
>> C1*C2

ans =

       7        +    9i      

Since symbolic coefficients are supported, it is easy to retrieve the expression of the geometric product in this algebra, going back to the example on complex numbers:

>>syms a b c d real

C1 = 

 ( a )*e0 ( b )*e1
>> C2=e0*c+e1*d

C2 = 

 ( c )*e0 ( d )*e1
>> C3=C1*C2

C3 = 

 ( a*c - b*d )*e0 ( a*d + b*c )*e1
>> equations_of_product=C3([1,2])'

equations_of_product =

a*c - b*d
a*d + b*c

Inner (scalar) and outer (wedge) products are performed using the overloaded operators ‘.*’ and ‘.^’ (note the leading dot). Next example over quaternions may clarify it.

First we create a quaternion's algebra

>> GA([0 2 0])

Now two unitary quaternions

>> A=sym(1/5)+sym(2/5)*e1+sym(2/5)*e2+sym(4/5)*e12

A = 

( 1/5 )e0+( 2/5 )e1+( 2/5 )e2+( 4/5 )e12
>> B=sym(1/2)-sym(1/2)*e1+sym(1/2)*e2+sym(1/2)*e12

B = 

( 1/2 )e0+( -1/2 )e1+( 1/2 )e2+( 1/2 )e12

The inner product may be computed as

>> A.*B

ans = 

( -3/10 )e0+( -1/10 )e1+( -3/10 )e2+( 1/2 )e12

The outer product

>> A.^B

ans = 

( 1/10 )e0+( 1/10 )e1+( 3/10 )e2+( 9/10 )e12

I recommend comparing results with the Ganja.js cheat sheet and those from shugar. The diference is that here you can use symbolic cofficients.

There is no general division (’/’) operator, because ‘/’ does not define operand precedence. Whenever you need to perform divisions you should first retrieve the inverse of the divisor, and then, perform a standard geometric product.

Powers of multi-vectors to integer numbers

There are many ways in sugar to perform this operation (look into the section "functions of multi-vectors") , but the operator ^ is overloaded to perform powers of multi-vectors. Remember a^b performs $a^b$, is not a shorthand to exterior product. The nice thing is that it is easy to find multi-vector inverses.

>> GA([1,1,0])
>> x=1+2*e1+3*e12

x = 

 ( 1 )*e0+( 2 )*e1+( 3 )*e12

>> x_inv=x^-1

x_inv = 

 ( -1/12 )*e0+( 1/6 )*e1+( 1/4 )*e12
>> x*x_inv

ans = 

 ( 1 )*e0
>> x_inv*x

ans = 

 ( 1 )*e0 

But, as you should know, you may encounter multi vectors that don't have inverse, for instance:

>> GA([1,0,1])
<>> x=1+2*e1+3*e12. %This one works as expected

x = 

 ( 1 )*e0 ( 2 )*e1 ( 3 )*e12
>> x_inv=x^-1

x_inv = 

 ( -1/3 )*e0 ( 2/3 )*e1 ( 1 )*e12

>> x=3*e2 % This one fails in this algebra

x = 

 ( 3 )*e2
>> x_inv=x^-1

x_inv = 

 ( Inf )*e0

There are other cases where this situation may reproduce. Specially on algebras or multi vectors with negative basis.

Functions of multi-vectors

SUGAR provides a comprehensive set of mathematical functions for multivectors (MV), supporting both numeric and symbolic computations. This enables users to apply familiar trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, and other mathematical operations directly to multivectors, making complex algebraic manipulations straightforward.

Basic Functions for Multivectors

SUGAR supports the following fundamental functions for multivectors:

  • Trigonometric Functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc
  • Hyperbolic Functions: sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, sech, csch
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions: exp, log
  • Power Functions: sqrt, ^ (power operator)

Each of these functions is fully overloaded to operate on multivectors just as they would on standard MATLAB scalars or vectors.

Applying Functions to Multivectors

Direct Function Calls

Many mathematical functions can be directly applied to multivectors:

>> GA([2,0,0]);  % Define a geometric algebra
>> A = e1 + e2;  % Declare a simple multivector
>> B = sin(A);   % Compute the sine of A
>> C = exp(A);   % Compute the exponential of A

These functions are symbolically evaluated whenever possible, but they can also be computed numerically when the multivector has numeric coefficients.

Custom Function Application: apply() Method

For more advanced function definitions, SUGAR allows users to apply custom functions to each element of a multivector using the apply() method:

>> syms x;
>> GA([0,1,0]); % Define complex numbers algebra
>> A = e1 * x;
>> B = A.apply(@(x) exp(x))
ans =
( cos(x) )*e0 + ( sin(x) )*e1

This is particularly useful when working with symbolic calculations.

Using double lambda functions we can declare our own functions on multi-vectors, take care to avoid shading standard Matlab functions. For instance:

>> syms a b x y real
>> GA([0,1,0])
>> expMV=@(y)y.apply(@(x)exp(x))

expMV =

  function_handle with value:


>> expMV(2*e1)

ans = 

 ( cos(2) )*e0 ( sin(2) )*e1

Symbolic coefficients are also allowed

>> syms a b x y w t real
>> expMV=@(y)y.apply(@(x)exp(x))

expMV =

  function_handle with value:


>> expMV(e1*w*t)

ans = 

 ( cos(t*w) )*e0 ( sin(t*w) )*e1

This is in general supported on any multi-vector with real or symbolic coefficients (but uses to be slow)

Matrices of multi-vectors

Sugar allows you to create matrices where the components are multi-vectors (Do not use mixed components).

For instance:

>> GA([1,1,0])
>> M=[e1 e1+e2; e2 e2-e1]

M = 

 (1)*e1     (1)*e1  (1)*e2    
 (1)*e2     (-1)*e1 (1)*e2   

And then, (matrix) multiplication


ans = 

 (1)*e12     (-1)*e0 (3)*e12    
 (-1)*e0 (-2)*e12     (-1)*e0 (-1)*e12  

And, in some cases, matrix inversion

>> M2=M^-1

M2 = 

 (1/2)*e1 (1/2)*e2     (1/2)*e1 (-1/2)*e2    
 (-1/2)*e2             (-1/2)*e1    
>> M2*M

ans = 

 (1)*e0     0     
 0      (1)*e0    
>> M*M2

ans = 

 (1)*e0     0     
 0      (1)*e0    

Other functions


To enable multivector representation in scientific documentation, we provide a latex() function that translates a matrix of multi-vectors or a multi-vector to latex notation.

The usage is evident in next snippet

>> GA([1,1,0])
>> M=[e1 e1+e2; e2 e2-e1]

M = 

 (1)*e1     (1)*e1 (1)*e2    
 (1)*e2     (-1)e1 (1)*e2    
>> latex(M)

ans = 

    "\left[\begin{array}{cc}\left(1\right)e_{1}  &  \left(1\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2}  \\ \left(1\right)e_{2}  &  \left(-1\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2}  \\ \end{array}\right]"

which should be interpreted by a LaTeX engine as

$\left[\begin{array}{cc}\left(1\right)e_{1} & \left(1\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2} \ \left(1\right)e_{2} & \left(-1\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2} \ \end{array}\right]$

This feature also works for symbolic coefficients

>> syms a b c d
>> GA([1,1,0])
>> M=[e1*a e1+e2*(b+c); e2*c e2-e1*a]

M = 

 (a)*e1     (1)*e1 (b + c)*e2    
 (c)*e2     (-a)*e1 (1)*e2    
>> latex(M)

ans = 

    "\left[\begin{array}{cc}\left(a\right)e_{1}  &  \left(1\right)e_{1}+\left(b+c\right)e_{2}  \\ \left(c\right)e_{2}  &  \left(-a\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2}  \\ \end{array}\right]"

which should be interpreted by a latex engine as

$$\left[\begin{array}{cc}\left(a\right)e_{1} & \left(1\right)e_{1}+\left(b+c\right)e_{2} \ \left(c\right)e_{2} & \left(-a\right)e_{1}+\left(1\right)e_{2} \ \end{array}\right]$$


Matlab Routines for Symbolic Geometric Algebra







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