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Technologies used:

HTML/css Javascript jquery bootstrap


Before starting the project, I wrote out the requirements with details and divided the work into 4 days. I made my wire frames on index cards and mapped out what I wanted each section to look like. I used class notes, recordings, and google to help guide me with sign up, sign in, change password, and sign out. I needed extra 1:1 help with making a new game and updating a game. I realized I was not understanding what I was typing in code so then I started to write down what I wanted in my own words then tried to translate that into code. I was able to complete my tic-tac-toe game with the extra time given and with some help and feedback from classmates.

Unsolved problems:

During the game I would like to highlight X or O depending on whose turn it is. For styling I want to add images, patterns, and sound.

User stories:

As a user I want to sign up and sign in As a user I want to start a new game of tic tac toe As a user I want to be able to change my password As a user I want to click inside the box with an X or O As a user I want to see who won, loss, or if its a tie As a user I want to be able to see number of games played As a user I want to play a new game or sign out when a game is over
