VPMIDIConverter is a UserJS script, launched in Tampermonkey, which adds the function of converting MIDI files to the site virtualpiano.net.
- First, install the Tampermonkey extension in your browser. Links:
- for Opera (15+): https://addons.opera.com/ru/extensions/details/tampermonkey-beta/?display=en
- for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=ru
- for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/tampermonkey/
Perhaps the script will work in other browsers that support UserJS.
- After successfully installing Tampermonkey, download the VirtualPiano MIDIPlayer.user.js file. By the way, it's enough to open it in the browser: Click here!
- At Tampermonkey's request to install the script, allow installation.
- Restart (if you opened) or open a new tab with the site virtualpiano.net
Now click on the MENU button, then to "Autoplay". There will be a small window "Sheets" under the piano. You will see a list of songs, and three orangled buttons: Play, Pause, and MIDI. The third one is exactly what we need! Clicking on it will open the window for selecting the MIDI file. After selecting the MIDI file, ready-made notes for the game will be displayed in a large field from the bottom.
- Unfortunately, the choice of a specific MIDI track is not yet implemented. Therefore, if the MIDI file has more than one track, the first one will be selected. I will soon fix this, but for now - make sure that the game you are playing is the first track in the MIDI file.
- You can even try pressing the "Play" button to start playing the newly converted melody. It's quite possible, but the whole melody will play without a pace, just one note after another, like a machine gun. If you want to play MIDI files correctly, the right way is to use my other script, which is intended for this purpose.
- You can use both the script (player and converter) together, if necessary.
- There is no MIDI track selection, the first one is always selected instead.
- As I already wrote above, there is an opportunity to play converted notes, but this is not a good idea.
By the way, any questions are welcome!
- The library midi-parser-js is used for parsing MIDI files directly in the browser. Thanks colxi, only thanks to this library there is this script.