A repository to show the speed of bootstrapping a kotlin and spring boot project
If there's anything that's incorrect, or anything that I missed, submit a PR!
Here are the slides that accompany the talk
- You will need to set up a firebase project. Instructions to configure the project can be found here
- The boilerplate for setting up firebase is already in the project, you just need to download the firebase config.json and specify the path in the DemoApplicaton class variable called
You also need to set the url of your firebase database to the variablefirebaseDatabseUrl
- If you're using intellij, you can just run the main function, or if youre using gradle you can run the
./gradlew bootRun
Here are some resources that helped me put this demo together.
Developing Spring boot applications with kotlin
Introducing Kotlin support in spring framework 5.0
Spring Data JPA query method reference
Custom spring repository methods in java
Spring jpa specification in java
Spring jpa specification kotlin DSL
Kotlin Exposed sql wrapper and DAO made by jetbrains
Talking kotlin podcast with an episode about Spring boot and kotlin