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Python Application Development - Core Library Classes

Developed over a period of time to address reoccurring requirements for most all applications. It provides the following modules:

See Pydocs:


  • Configuration File Support

  • Database Support

  • DataTable Support (an ORM Lite)

  • DataRecord Support (ORM Lite)

  • Logging Support (with email Support)

  • Object-like (dot) syntax for Dictionaries

  • Utilities


Configuration Module

The configuration module reads yaml files and provides a dot syntax for expressing nested data trees. ie. self.conf.database.hostname.

      # To create a singleton instance of configuration data
      # found in a yaml file pointed to by an environment
      # variable called VCONF
      # eq.:
      # $ export VCONF=$HOME/proj/conf/dev.yml

      from vlib import conf
      myconf = conf.getInstance()

      # Print configuration data, from a Yaml file that looks
      # like this:
      # crew:
      #   captian: Kirk
      #   science_officer: Spock

      print myconf.crew.captian

      # Real world example with Objects
      from vlib import conf
      class Foo(object):
          def __init__(self):
              self.conf = conf.getInstance()
              self.webserver = self.conf.webserver
              self.dbname    =

Database Module

The database modules provides a simple set of methods for talking to your database, like query(), startTransaction(), commit(), etc.


      # To setup the Db instance, you need to define the following
      # in your config file pointed to by the VCONF environement var.
      # The db module uses the conf module to read this information
      # database:
      #    engine: mysql
      #    host: localhost
      #    db: vlibtests
      #    user: vlibtests
      #    passwd: bogangles
      from vlib import db
      mydb = db.getInstance()
      for row in mydb.query('select * from product_types'):
         print row['product_type_id']
         print row['name']
      # Without using config
      # --------------------
      from vlib import Db
      mydb = Db({'engine':'mysql', 
                 'dictcursor':True })
     # Real world example with Objects
     # -------------------------------
     from vlib import db

     class Books(object):

         def __init__(self):
             self.db = db.getInstance()

         def getBook(self, book_id):
            sql = 'select * from books where book_id = %s' % book_id
            results = self.db.query(sql)
            if results:
               return results[0]
            return []
      # Connecting to multiple databases
      # --------------------------------

      # Define additional database connections in the config
      # ro_database:
      #    engine: mysql
      #    host: localhost
      #    db: vlibtests
      #    user: vlibtests_ro
      #    passwd: bogangles
      # __ ro/ __
      from vlib import conf
      from vlib.db import singletonFactory
      def getInstance():
        conf_ = conf.getInstance()
        return singletonFactory.create(**conf_.ro_database)
      # __ __
      import ro.db as rodb
      my_rodb = rodb.getInstance()
      print my_rodb.query('select * from customers')

DataTable Module

The DataTable module provides a simple abstraction for creating and executing SQL Statements. It relies on the Database Module for connection.


      from vlib import db
      from vlib.datatable import DataTable

      mydb = db.getInstance()

      books = DataTable(mydb, 'books')
      books.setColumns(['book_id as book_id', 'title'])
      books.setFilters("created > '2015-05-01'");
      for book in books.getTable():
          print book

 Usage as a base class:

     from vlib import db
     from vlib.datatable import DataTable

     class Books(DataTable):

         def __init__(self):
             sellf.db = db.getInstance()
             DataTable.__init__(self, self.db, 'books')

         def report(self):
                              'count(*) as books'])
             self.setFilters('created > "2000-01-01"')
             return self.getTable()

 See, Also:
 [DataTable Pydocs](

Logging Module

The logging module uses log4r to produce consistent log entries that include date, hostname, and class name.


      # To setup a Logging instance, you define the following in your
      # config file.  The logging module uses the conf module to read it.
      # logging:
      #    filename: /var/log/myapp/myapp.log
      #    level: DEBUG
      # If you want the logger to email you on 'critical' you need 
      # define email server
      # email:                                                                          
      #    server  :                                                 
      #    username:                                   
      #    password: secret                                                    
      #    fromaddr: Myapp Admin                         
      from vlib import logger
      class MyClass:
         def __init__(self):
            self.logger = logger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
         def do_something(self):
            self.logger.debug('Started doing something')
  'Did Something')
            self.logger.error('Did not do something')
            # The following we send email:                                          
            # self.logger.critical('Something bad happened')    

The above outputs to the log:

2014-02-24 14:41:30	dev1.localdomain	DEBUG	MyClass	Started MyClass.do_something()
2014-02-24 14:41:30	dev1.localdomain	INFO	MyClass	Did Something
2014-02-24 14:41:30	dev1.localdomain	WARNING	MyClass	Warning
2014-02-24 14:41:30	dev1.localdomain	ERROR	MyClass	Did not do something

Object Dictionary

The odict class is syntactic sugar for dealing with dictionaries and nested dictionaries. It privides dot (.) syntax, as well as flower brace ({}) and square braces ([]) syntax

attr['color'] = 'blue' # normal dict

attr.color = 'blue'    # odict

Example 1: This code using dicts …

picture  = {'name'    : 'The Card Players',
            'filename': 'cezanne2.jpg',
            'year'    : 1895}
print img(src=picture['filename'])

Can be written like this:

from vlib.odict import odict
picture  = odict(name     = 'The Card Players',
                 filename = 'cezanne2.jpg',
                 year     = 1895)
print img(src=picture.filename)

Nested Odicts Example:

from vlib.odict import odict
workflow = odict(processes=odict(max_processes=5, debug=False))
for p in workflow.processes.max_processes:


    Return X formated nicely for the console

str2datetime(s, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
    Convert str in the form of "2010-11-11 17:39:52" or
                               "2010-11-11"          to a
    datetime.datetime Object

    Convert str in the form of "2010-11-11" to a Object

format_datetime(d, with_seconds=False, format=None):
    Given a datetime object
    Return formated String as follows:

       Format: None   : 11/22/2013 01:46[:00] am
               ISO8601: 2013-11-21T01:46:00-05:00 (EST)

    Given a datetime object
    Return a string in the form of "mm/dd/yyyy"

    Give a LIST or TUPLE
    Return: A CSV table as STRING or the input data if not LIST or TUPLE

    Given a Table of data as a LIST of LISTs
    Return in CSV format as a STR

formatdict(d, width=console_width(), indent=0, keylen=0, color=False):
    Recursively format contents of dictionaries in sorted tabular order.
    Optionally a certain width, indented, and/or a specific key length.

    >>> utils.formatdict(batch_item)
            active: 1
          batch_id: 3250
          on_press: None
          order_id: 2007372
         page_list: None
               qty: 2
      removed_date: None

    Return system time to the millisec as set of numbers

    shift the firt element off of an array and return it

    Given an email address
    Return whether it is in valid format as BOOLEAN



Update apt-get to the latest libraries:

apt-get update

Install pip, if you haven't done so already:

 apt-get install python-pip
 pip install -U pip

Install Mysql DB Connectorm, if you haven't done so already:

apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
pip install MySQL-python

Install vweb:

pip install vlib

Red Hat

yum install MySQL-python


Python base libraries







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