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Katharina Bassler edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 5 revisions


Term Abbreviation Description
Acquisition Interface Points Data acquisition via XBIP, EDIP (cf. respective entries).
Amazon Simple Storage Service S3 Online data-storage service offered by Amazon Web Services.
Archive "Refers to a set of functions aimed at storing data products, guaranteeing their preservation for future use. These include all operations to identify, store and retrieve the data and ensure their integrity." [1]
Ascending Node "The intersection of that orbit, when the satellite goes from the southern to the northern hemisphere, with the x-y plane of the Earth fixed reference frame." [1]
Authority Entitles a user to access a prosEO method or domain object, cf. Spring Authorization.
Auxiliary Data "Enhance processing and utilization of remote sensing instrument data. The auxiliary data are not necessarily captured by the same data collection process as the instrument data. Auxiliary data include data collected by any other platform or process (e.g. meteorological data from ECWMF or NCEP), data providing processing configuration information typically for data calibration and or instrument characterisation (e.g. processing auxiliary files), and data providing information on satellite position and velocity (orbit auxiliary files). Auxiliary data help in data processing, but are also data sets in their own right and may be relevant for end-users in specific User Level Data exploitation scenarios." [1]
Auxiliary Data Interface (delivery) Point AUX-IP Provides auxiliary data (cf. Auxiliary Data).
”Brain” Performs the processing orchestration and holds metadata information on all processing orders and products currently in the system as well as configuration information on missions, their product classes, processors, configurations etc. as presented above.
Channel Access Data Unit CADU "A CCSDS format defining the packaging of the data downlinked by the satellite [...]; corresponds to the input for the Level-0 processing." [1]
Command-Line Interface CLI Allows monitoring and manual operation of prosEO, running locally on a user workstation as a stand-alone Java application; can be configured to connect to different control instances.
Configuration Specific processor configuration, consists of configuration files and template information for creating Job Order files for the associated processor.
Configured Processor Specific version of a processor combined with a specific configuration object.
Copernicus Space Component CSC Includes ESA's Sentinel missions as well as contributing missions from other space agencies. The CSC makes the data accessible to the Copernicus services, which make it available to the public.
Customer Furnished Item CFI Externally provided processors.
Data Distribution "Front-end service that provides the Copernicus Sentinel User Level Data to the user communities." [1] Do not condounf with Data Distribution Service.
Data Distribution Service Sends a production order specifying the configured processor and the input product to use, from which prosEO derives the actually requested output product type and validity period. Do not confound with Data Distribution.
Data Producer "An entity or organization that generates data." [1]
Data Provider "An entity that archives and distributes data. The data provider may or may not be the entity that also produced the data." [1]
Docker Repository Here: Provides current versions for wrapped processor CFIs and for prosEO microservices
(European Data Relay System) Interface Delivery Point EDRS EDIP Provides raw data. The European Data Relay System consists of geostationary communications satellites that enable continuous data transmission between satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles and ground stations.
Graphical User Interface GUI Monitoring and manual operation of prosEO.
Group Authority Entitles a group of users to access a prosEO method or domain object, cf. Authority.
”Hands” Perform the data processing workload and store the input, auxiliary and output data.
Housekeeping Telemetry HKTM "Represents all the telemetry data necessary to monitor the health and status of the satellite." [1]
Ingestor Creates metadata information for input, auxiliary and output products from various sources and notifies the Production Planner of any newly ingested product, thereby allowing for an event-based starting of job steps as soon as the required input and/or auxiliary products are available. The Ingestor also interfaces with the prosEO Storage Manager for the storage of the actual product data, which is then fetched directly from the source by the Storage Manager for maximum efficiency (i. e. the high-volume product data is never routed through the Ingestor).
Job Order File JOF Contains input and output files to be used/generated.
Job Step Single processor execution to produce a defined output product based on a defined set of required input product (modeled as product query objects), can be executed as soon as all its product queries are satisfied.
Job Collection of job steps required to fulfill an order for a specific period of time.
Level 0 Data L0 "Reconstructed unprocessed data at full space-time resolution with all available supplemental information to be used in subsequent processing." [1]
Level 1A Data L1A "Reconstructed unprocessed data at full resolution, time-referenced, and annotated with ancillary information, including radiometric and geometric calibration coefficients and geo-referencing parameters (e.g. ephemeris) computed and appended but not applied to the Level 0 data." [1]
Level 1B Data L1B "Radiometrically corrected and calibrated data in physical units at full instrument resolution as acquired." [1]
Level 1C Data L1C "L1B data orthorectified, re-sampled to a specified grid." [1]
Level 2 Data L2 "Derived geophysical parameters (e.g. sea surface temperature, leaf area index) at the same resolution and location as Level 1B source data." [1]
Level 2A Data L2A L2 Data in a first or intermediate processing stage.
Level 2B Data L2B Further processed L2A Data.
Level 2C Data L2C Sometimes referred to as “L2 cumulative”, i. e. aggregation of L2 Data over a larger time frame.
Level 3 Data L3 "Data or retrieved geophysical parameters which have been spatially and/or temporally re-sampled (i.e. derived from Level 1 or 2 products), usually with some completeness and consistency. Such re-sampling may include averaging and compositing." [1]
Level 4 Data L4 "Model output or results from analyses of lower level data (i.e. variables that are not directly measured by the instruments, but are derived from these measurements; could be derived from multiple instrument measurements)." [1]
Long Term Archives LTA Long term data storage, "ensuring the storage of the data and the interfaces and capability for retrieving them, ensuring their integrity" [1]
Metadata Database Holds configuration information for missions, product classes and their selection rules, processor classes, versions and configurations as well as metadata on processing orders with jobs and job steps and on input, auxiliary and output products including their storage location in one or more processing facilities.
Mission An earth-observation mission.
Near Real Time Data NRT "Data that are available for use with a specified (small and application dependent) timeliness, which is typically within 3 hours from sensing time." [1]
On-Demand Processing "The production of User Level Data (typically higher level products) using a lower level (input) product in response to a user’s request." [1]
On-Demand Processing Interface Delivery Point ODPRIP accepts workflow query requests and production orders, provides information about production order status
Orbit "The path in space described by a satellite revolving around the Earth." [1] Am orbit is identified by its start and stop times (e. g. the "spacecraft midnight" events of the Sentinel-5P satellite). Orbit times (and all derived times in prosEO) are given in UTC-STS (leap seconds spread evenly over the last 1000 seconds of the day) and to a microsecond precision.
Order Defines output/target product classes, time frame, and optionally a set of configured processors.
Payload Payload of a spacecraft. A spacecraft may have multiple payloads, each with its own set of product classes.
Portable Operating System Interface POSIX Family of standards specified by the IEEE Computer Society for maintaining compatibility between operating systems.
Precise Orbit "Precise orbit auxiliary products result from a computation using all available satellite tracking data and its correction with dynamical models. They achieve the most accurate model of representing the real orbit motion. They are generated using satellite information corresponding to the orbit(s) covered by the product. They are typically generated several days after the orbit covered by the product" [1]
Precise Orbit Determination Interface Point PODIP Retrieval of Precise Orbit Determination (POD) elements for Systematic Production and Reprocessing (stored as spacecraft-dependent orbit information in the prosEO Metadata Database)
Processing Facility Runtime environment for the data and quality control CFIs and for the prosEO Storage Manager.
Processing Levels Cf. Raw Data, Level 0 to Level 2 Data.
Processor Class Type of processor capable of generating products of a specific set of product classes; may have multiple versions and configurations.
Processor Specific version of a processor class.
Product Class Output data type and format.
Product File Template Needed by the Production Planner to create output product entries for the Job Order file.
Product Query Models the need of a job step to use a certain product for a specific time period.
Production Interface (delivery) Point PRIP Provides access to output products.
Production Planner Central component for the processing orchestration, analyzes processing orders and generates jobs and job steps for all output and intermediate products which need to be produced and for which a configured processor is defined.
Range "Distance from the satellite to the Earth's surface." [1]
Raw Data "Physical telemetry payload data as received from the satellite (e.g. serial CADU data stream without de-multiplexing)." [1]
Reference System Retrieval of current versions for data and quality control processor CFIs.
Selection Rule Defines the input/source product classes and the respective retrieval policies necessary to produce a given output/target product class.
Sentinel Series of ESA funded Observation satellites.
Slice "Subset of a data segment, cut by time i.e. along-swath, of a fixed time duration starting from the beginning of the data take. Slices may have an overlap of a pre-defined time duration." [1]
Storage Manager Controls the product data storage (POSIX file system or object storage).
Task Single, separately addressable execution step of a processor.
Telemetry "An automated communications process through which payload data collected by the platform are transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring, via the telemetry link." [1]
User Interface UI Allows monitoring and manual operation of prosEO (a graphical user interface (GUI) deployed together with the other brain components and a command-line interface (CLI) running locally on a user workstation as a stand-alone Java application).
User A prosEO user, also their credentials.
Wrapper Wraps the CFI into prosEO, may modify the Job Order file created by the Production Planner to suit the needs of the processor CFI, and may handle processor CFI output not in the main line of processing.
X-Band Interface (delivery) Point XBIP Provides X band raw data.

[1] Copernicus Space Component Ground Segment Operations Glossary (ESA-EOPG-EOPGC-TN-13)
[2] CSC Operations - ESA Framework - Ground Segment Architecture (ESA-EOPG-EOPGC-TN-7)
[3] CSC Operations - ESA Framework - Operations Concept (ESA-EOPG-EOPGC-TN-19)

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