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ConfigMap Replicator Controller


The ConfigMap Replicator controller can be used to simplify the replication of ConfigMaps across namespaces. This controller allows users to easily copy, synchronize, or replicate ConfigMaps from one namespace to one or more target namespaces.


  • Easy Replication: Replicate ConfigMaps across multiple namespaces.
  • Fine-Grained Control: Specify which namespaces to include or exclude from replication.
  • Annotation-Based Configuration: Control replication behavior using simple Kubernetes annotations.


The configmap-replicator controller can be installed via Helm. To install, add the Helm chart repository:

helm repo add cm-repo \
  && helm repo update

Install the latest version of the controller by running:

helm install configmap-replicator cm-repo/configmap-replicator

Helm Chart Values

Below is a table with the values available in the Helm chart:

Parameter Description Default Value
replicaCount Number of replicas for the controller 1
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Image tag (defaults to chart appVersion) ""
imagePullSecrets List of image pull secrets []
nameOverride Override name of the chart ""
fullnameOverride Override full name of the chart ""
rbac.create Create RBAC(Role & RoleBinding) configurations for the controller true Name of the ServiceAccount "" Name of the ClusterRole "" Name of the ClusterRoleBinding ""
serviceAccount.create Create a new ServiceAccount true
serviceAccount.automount Automount ServiceAccount API credentials true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the ServiceAccount {} ServiceAccount name ""
podAnnotations Annotations for the pod {}
podLabels Labels for the pod {}
resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the container 1
resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the container 128Mi
resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the container 100m
resources.requests.memory Memory request for the container 128Mi
nodeSelector Node selector for pod scheduling {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod scheduling []
affinity Affinity rules for pod scheduling {}
replicator.reconciliationInterval Interval for ConfigMap reconciliation 1m


Once deployed, the configmap-replicator will automatically replicate ConfigMaps based on the annotations you specify.

Enable Replication

To enable replication of a ConfigMap across all namespaces, add the following annotation to your ConfigMap:

  configmap-replicator/replication-allowed: "true"

Exclude Specific Namespaces

If you want to exclude specific namespaces from replication, use the following annotation:

  configmap-replicator/replication-allowed: "true"
  configmap-replicator/excluded-namespaces: "kube-system"

Replicate to Specific Namespaces Only

To replicate the ConfigMap to a specific set of namespaces, use this annotation:

  configmap-replicator/replication-allowed: "true"
  configmap-replicator/allowed-namespaces: "team1,team2"

Build from source

To build the configmap-replicator controller, follow the steps below:

  • Build the controller using Gradle:

    gradle build


This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for details.