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DMWM Packaging with PyPi
This document outlines the transition of DMWM software to the Python Package Index, https://pypi.org/
DMWM PyPi account: cms-oc-dmwm
Erik Gough and Andrew Melo have the password if needed.
General docs for packaging projects: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/
Test packages location: https://test.pypi.org/user/cms-oc-dmwm/
Production packages location: https://www.pypi.org/user/cms-oc-dmwm/
Create a virtualenv for building packages. Need setuptools and twine.
$ virtualenv pypibuild
$ source pypibuild/bin/activate
(pypibuild) $ pip install twine
$ git clone https://github.com/dmwm/WMCore.git
$ cd WMCore
$ git fetch && git fetch --tags
$ git checkout <tag>
(pypibuild) $ python setup.py sdist
(pypibuild) $ twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/wmagent-<tag>.tar.gz
(pypibuild) $ twine upload dist/wmagent-<tag>.tar.gz
This is the list of dependencies that are required before one can install wmagent via pip. Python dependencies are automatically pulled when the wmagent package is installed.
- MariaDB
- CouchDB
- Oracle Client
- Condor
- libcurl-devel
- jemalloc
- libuuid
- yui (might not be necessary)
- pystack (might not be necessary)
- gcc
If any of these packages are installed in a non-standard location, you will need to set some environment variables as well.
- Add mariadb bin and gcc bin directory to PATH
- Add gcc lib directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Set ORACLE_HOME to Oracle client location
Create a wmagent virtualenv
$ virtualenv wmagent
$ source wmagent/bin/activate
(wmagent) $ pip install wmagent
This provides the limited necessary pieces for package distribution with an example of how to pull python dependencies.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup
setup(name = 'dbs-client',
version = '3.3.160',
maintainer = 'CMS DWMWM Group',
maintainer_email = 'hn-cms-dmDevelopment@cern.ch',
packages = ['dbs',
package_dir = {'' : 'Client/src/python/'},
install_requires = ['pycurl-client'],
url = "https://github.com/dmwm/DBS",