#Festorama Hackathon!
##About It's festival time. Futurama style. Here's a little ditty to help you choose which ones to go to, and more details on each. Maybe there's a Bending festival! Made in a handful of hours by these swell humans Navya Lakkaraju, Derek Nuzum, Cassandra Aguiar, and Jonathan Stevenson.
##Technologies used
- It's M.E.A.N. baby!
- Freaked out
- Finalized idea
- Created master git repo, built basic app, and forked/ cloned for all group members
- Assigned front and back devs
- Bashed out heads into our lap-tops till this little gem came about
##User stories
As a user, I like festivals.
As a user I would like a list of a bunch of different festivals all together, with information on each.
As a user I like Futurama.
As a user I wany my app to be plastered with Bender.
- We NAILED not having merge conflicts on Github
- We would of liked to implement profiles for users to save their favorites and a way for them to communicate with each other
- Working in a group rules!