This is a very small offline-first mobile-friendly unit conversion tool for the browser. There are many full featured unit converters out there, so every effort has been made to keep this as simple, fast, and portable as possible.
A demo is available here.
Select a category (e.g. Length, Mass) from the dropdown menu and then choose the from and to units.
The resulting conversion at the bottom of the page will live update as different values and units are selected.
A full list of the currently supported units is below.
- milliseconds
- seconds
- minutes
- hours
- days
- weeks
- months
- years
- decades
- centuries
- mm
- cm
- m
- in
- ft
- yd
- mi
- °C
- °F
- K
- °N
- bit
- byte
- KB
- MB
- GB
- TB
- cm²
- m²
- km²
- hectare
- sq in
- sq ft
- sq mi
- acre
- mg
- g
- kg
- ton / tonne (metric ton)
- oz
- oz avoirdupois
- lb
- stone
- short ton
- litre
- millilitre
- cc
- mm³
- m³
- km³
- fl oz (imp)
- teaspoon (Can)
- tablespoon (Can)
- cup
- gal (imp)
- gal (US)
- pint (imp)
- quart (imp)
- cu in
- cu ft
- cu mi
- m/s
- km/h
- mph
- mpm
- mps
- fps
"Units" is part of the tiny tools series, a collection of small mobile-friendly JavaScript tools for performing common tasks in the browser.
Other tools for working with numbers and units that might also be of interest:
- Milligram CSS by @cjpatoilo, prototyped using dropin-minimal-css
- github-corners by @tholman