Full stack web app enables users to search song lyrics to highlight and annotate sections for their meaning.
▷ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmugbYmrAkNb3R2hAiJjYQNO6FHjHab9/view?usp=sharing
- Python3
- PostgreSQL
- Genius.com API token https://genius.com/developers
Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/dominiquecuevas/Note
Create database
$ createdb lyrics
Create a Virtual Environment
$ virtualenv env
Command if on a Windows machine:
$ virtualenv env --always-copy
Activate virtual environment
$ source env/bin/activate
Create a secrets.sh file with your Genius.com token
$ touch secrets.sh
Load token into shell environment
$ source secrets.sh
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
$ python3 server.py