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C Library of Aho-Corasick Algorithm based on Coordinate Hash Trie


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LibACA: C Library of Aho-Corasick Algorithm, with Balance between Time, Space, and Simplicity

LibACA is a C library of the Aho-Corasick algorithm/automaton.

Given a set of strings, each called a pattern, and an input string called the text, the Aho-Corasick algorithm finds every occurrence of every pattern in the text.

LibACA aims for:

  • Time-space balance

    LibACA uses an original variant of trie, called coordinate hash trie. This trie variant provides a good balance between time and space, without compromising simplicity. See the Internals section for detail.

    The space complexity is proportional to the number of states. Because no reallocation, resizing, or rehashing will be performed, the space consumption is stable.

    When transition from one state to another, the time complexity is constant for the average case, and proportional to the size of the alphabet for the worst case.

  • Simplicity

    The implementation contains no more than 175 LOCs of C, including header files.

  • Robustness

    LibACA carefully deals with errors and arithmetic overflows.

LibACA is designed for binary streams, including infinite ones.

Table of Contents

System Requirements

LibACA requires a C89 compiler, POSIX errno definitions, and the following features of the target architecture:

  • The binary representation of -1 is 111...11.

Most mainstream architectures, systems, and compilers meet the requirements.

To run the test and benchmark, the system should additionally implement the getrusage() routine and support the ru_maxrss field in the rusage structure. Most Unix-compatible systems meet the requirements.

Getting Started

The following example eg.c reads symbols from the standard input and matches in a fixed pattern set. For every match, it prints the matched pattern.

#include <aca.h>


char *pattab[] = {"he", "she", "his", "hers"};

int main(void)
	int hit(int pat); /* callback for matching */
	aca fgrep;	/* the automaton */
	aca_iter it;	/* iterator of the automaton */
	int i, ch;

	/* initialize an automaton with the maximum number of states to be 16 */
	aca_init(&fgrep, 16);

	/* add all patterns in pattab to the automaton */
	for (i = 0; i < sizeof pattab / sizeof pattab[0]; i++)
		aca_add(&fgrep, pattab[i], strlen(pattab[i]));

	/* build the automaton */

	/* get the initial iterator */
	it = aca_root(&fgrep);

	/* read symbols from the stdin stream and feed to the automaton
	 * each match is passed to hit()
	while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
		it = aca_next(it, ch, hit);

	/* destroy the automaton */
	return 0;

int hit(int pat)
	/* print the matched pattern */
	return 0;

The above example should behave like the following.

$ cc -l aca eg.c
$ echo shers | ./a.out


To install LibACA as header files and a static library into the system:

sudo make install

By default, LibACA is installed to /usr/local. To link LibACA, use the -l aca option on your compiler.

It's also simple to embed LibACA into your project. Just include aca.h. Compile and link aca.c.


  • aca: Aho-Corasick Automaton

  • aca_iter: iterator of an aca instance


  • int aca_init(aca *aca, int n)

    Initialize the automaton with the specific maximum number of states.

    The safest estimation of n is the sum of lengths of all patterns adding 1. A n less than 1 is equivalent to 1.

    Upon sucess, return 0.

    Otherwise, return -1 and set errno.

  • void aca_destroy(aca *aca)

    Destroy the automaton.

  • int aca_add(aca *aca, char *pat, int n)

    Add a pattern of length n to the automaton.

    A negative n is equivalent to 0.

    Upon success, return the pattern index. The first pattern has index 0; the second has index 1; and so on. Duplicated patterns would have the same index.

    Otherwise, return -1 and set errno. The internal state of the automaton will be indeterminate. The only allowed next action is aca_destroy().

  • int aca_build(aca *aca)

    Build the automaton. This routine should not be called before all patterns are added.

    Upon success, return 0.

    Otherwise, return -1 and set errno.

  • aca_iter aca_root(aca *aca)

    Return the initial iterator of the automaton.

    This routine should not be called before the automaton is built.

  • aca_iter aca_next(aca_iter it, char sym, int (*hit)(int))

    Feed a symbol to the automaton and return the next iterator.

    If there are matched occurrences after feeding the symbol, hit() will be called with the matched pattern index.

    If hit() returns 0, the matching continues, until hit() is called on all occurrences.

    Otherwise, the matching stops.

    The hit() function is called in the descending order of the length of the matched pattern.


There are three test cases.

  • test/alice: the text of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the pattern set of 10000 random English words

  • test/rand: the text of 300000 random characters and the pattern set of 10000 random strings

  • test/lfail: the text of 399999 as followed by a b, and a single pattern containing 400000 as

Prog        Build    Match    RSS
-------     -------  -------  -------
naive       86.4ms   4.9ms    95.9MB
libaca      247.3ms  8.5ms    5.3MB
-------     -------  -------  -------
Improv      -65%     -42%     94%

Prog       Build    Match    RSS
-------    -------  -------  -------
naive      63.4ms   16.2ms   65.9MB
libaca     207.6ms  27.4ms   4.7MB
-------    -------  -------  -------
Improv     -69%     -41%     93%

Prog        Build    Match    RSS
-------     -------  -------  -------
naive       404.3ms  29.3ms   398.8MB
libaca      827.2ms  20.8ms   24.5MB
-------     -------  -------  -------
Improv      -51%     40%      94%

You could run make benchmark to perform the benchmark in your machine. The unit of RSS may be incorrect in some systems, e.g. Linux.


LibACA uses the coordinate hash trie to reach time-space balance and simplicity. This trie variant is documented in the following paper.

Storing a Trie with Compact and Predictable Space

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