This project was generated with Angular CLI version 14.2.4.
- @ViewChild('canvas') canvas!: A reference to the canvas element in the template.
- selectedImageUrl : The URL of the image selected by the user.
- message : A message to be displayed in case of an error or notification.
- ngAfterViewInit(): This method loads the necessary models for face detection after the component is fully initialized.
- constructor(): The class constructor.
- ngOnInit(): A method called immediately after the component is initialized.
- onFileChanged(event: any): This method is triggered when the user uploads an image. It processes the image, detects faces in it, and displays the results on the canvas.
- loadAllowedFaces(): Loads the allowed images for comparison from a predefined source.
- getAllowedFaceDescriptors(allowedFaces: HTMLImageElement[]): Retrieves descriptors for the allowed faces.
- compareWithAllowedFaces(uploadedDescriptor: Float32Array): Compares the descriptor of the uploaded face with the descriptors of the allowed faces and returns true if the faces match and false otherwise.