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Releases: dowjones/fiveby

Been a long time...

13 Aug 20:28
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Just a few small things that have accrued over the years. The library still works perfectly well and selenium "latest" has not changed in all this time. Updated for security vulnerabilities and node 12 compat. If you have need to update a particular dependency please make a PR.


Baby Back

08 Mar 02:08
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  • switch from should to chai
  • updated all libs to latest
  • now supports both node v6 and v8

New Node!

24 Nov 16:04
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  • upgrading to selenium 2.48.2
  • the selenium upgrade forces us to node v4
  • that means most of ES6 will be available in tests!
  • node 4 meant a switch from traceback to stack-trace
  • fiveby now has functional tests to help track regressions


08 Apr 01:03
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tl;dr - everything should be smoother, faster, and more consistent. Errors should now always be caught and reported cleanly and the edge cases that caused errors to kill the whole test run are gone.

Breaking Changes:

Enhancements and Bug Fixes:

  • closes #7, #12, #13, #20
  • fiveby now also verifies if you have java installed before downloading / running local server


  • developers should re-clone / rebase any local repos, resolving #13 required a filter branch.. hence rewriting every commit and tag
  • code style and complexity now enforced (jscs + >jshint)
  • added contributing guidelines

Hardy Har HAR!

23 Feb 16:32
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  • [FEATURE] fiveby now allows you to capture HAR files for debugging or feeding to other tools like perf testing tools. This feature requires the use of phantomjs as it is the only driver capable of producing a HAR. #10
  • upgrading several dependencies #11 #14
  • removed embedded prop manager in favor of envprops #4
  • more lint and tests as always!

Freshen Up

01 Feb 21:19
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  • code climate, coveralls, travis integration and badges
  • docs
  • some lint


31 Jan 18:32
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removed dependency on tesla.lib.cache
major doc overhaul
updated versions
other OS prep


31 Jan 18:35
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31 Jan 18:31
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  • environment properties are now merged into file properties as you would expect, previously XOR


31 Jan 18:30
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  • fiveby now has a disableBrowsers option that will disable selenium completely and remove the need for browser config. This is for folks that have no need of browsers but love fiveby
  • the presence of the browser argument in the fiveby callback will determine if a browser is spawn regardless of the disableBrowsers flag. This feature is for those that want to mix browser and non-browser testing in the same project
  • lots more unit tests and CI goodness
  • index split into index and lib/fiveby
  • upgraded to selenium 2.44.0
  • small bug fixes