This firmware polls i2c-connected temperatur and humidity sensors via i2c and prints relevant values in a special format via UART.
This being a trivial task, it uses a software implementation of i2c and of UART that is not very cycle-performant (as all transfers are blocking), but very timing accurate up to baudrates of 80k at 8MHz CPU clock and rather power-efficient, as the CPU spends most time sleeping.
So this firmware is mostly an exercise in UART, i2c, AVR timers and sleep modes, and coding in constrained spaces.
The original purpose was to connect this to a 433MHz transmitter and scatter solar-powered sensors like this in the house, thus gaining an RF-based temperatur sensor network. However, the 433MHz transceivers I obtained seem to be rather unreliable. Also I assume that solar power might not be enough to yield good measurement frequencies. If you want to do something like this, I suggest:
Switch UART to inverted level (defines in sensor.c) and use a >=10k pull-down resistor on the UART line. If you don't do this, the radio will transmit almost all the time, except when sending '0' bits. The current setup is only appropriate for testing with a UART transceiver connected to your computer.
Increase time between transmissions. That could be done using a WDT interrupt handler that counts down an integer every 8 seconds and thus can send e.g. every n*8 seconds. WDT interrupt needs to be configured appropriately.
David R. Piegdon
All files in this repository are released unter the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later. This includes any schematics, the routed PCB and the firmware as well as the documentation and accompanying materials. See the file COPYING for more information.