IOTDB Module that defines all sorts of useful Error exceptions, with HTTP status codes built in.
If you installed Home☆Star you've already got it.
If you want to use this stand-alone:
$ npm install iotdb-errors
- Internal (500)
- Invalid (403) - something is improperly formatted
- MethodNotAllowed (405) - e.g. doing a PUT where only GET is allowed
- NeverImplemented (501)
- NotAppropriate (403) - expecting a thing and got a recipe
- NotAuthorized (401)
- NotFound (404)
- NotImplemented (501)
- ShouldBeImplementedInSubclass (501)
- ServiceNotAvailable (503) - e.g. we're connecting to Redis and it doesn't work
- SetupRequired (500)
- Timestamp (409) - the timestamp is out of date
Just do the usual
const errors = requre("iotdb-errors");
throw new errors.NotImplemented()
If you want to get the error code
error = errors.NotImplemented()
If you've got iotdb installed, there's a few helper functions for working with exceptions which may or may not be from this module, may not exist at all, etc..
const iotdb = require("iotdb")
const _ = iotdb._;
_.error.code(error) // will return code, 500 if no code defined
_.error.code(error, 404) // will return code, 404 if no code defined
_.error.message(error) // will return the message, or null
_.error.message(error, "woah") // will return the message, or "woah"