Table of contents |
Data |
Structure of my data |
Questions |
Sketches |
Visualizations |
Project Video |
Schedule of Deliverables |
The data I visualized for my project is about the number of completed highest structures in the world cities. The dataset contains information from 1900 to 2020 for skyscrapers around the world. Building higher than 150 meters was counted. There is a separate entry for each city and each skyscraper on the original dataset.
- You can find the original data for Cities Ranked by Number of Completed Buildings on the skyscraper center
- I add Latitude and Longitude one by one by using Latitude and Longitude Finder
- I add the date for the First 150m+ Building by checking each city through the skyscraper center website. I build a new Dataset with latitude and longitude and the year of the first 150m building in each city.
1- Rank
2- City
3- Country
4- AllBuilding: Number of building in the city
5- 100m: Building has 100m+
6- 150m: Building has 150m+
7- 200m: Building has 200m+
8- 300m: Building has 300m+
9- TelecomTowers: Radio masts and towers are typically tall structures designed to support antennas for telecommunications and broadcasting
10- AllStructures: All structures
11- lat: Latitude
12- lng: Longitude
13- first150m: the year of the first building higher than 150m+
The following tasks and questions will drive the visualization and interaction decisions for this project:
- How many skyscrapers in a city?
- Where are most skyscrapers in the world?
- When did the city build the first skyscraper?
- When did the world have an increase in the building of skyscrapers?
- etc
The idea behind these sketches is trying to imagine what some visualizations might look like. (during the early stage of the project)
All visualization images are clickable which links to the VizHub website for the real productions.
I made some exploratory visualizations in the early stage of the project for the purpose of data investigation.
I've made a few visualizations to investigate the results. A brief overview of these visualizations is given below:
Question being answered:
When did the city build the first skyscraper?The above histogram shows that the total number of building in a city and the year of building the first skyscraper in that city
The above chart shows the total number of building in each country.
The above map shows triangles (mountains) on cities which have skyscrapers. The higher mountains mean a higher number of skyscrapers in the city. It can be clear that New York City has a higher number of skyscrapers as it has the highest triangle and this visualization answer the question
Where are most skyscrapers in the world?
the total number of building in each city and the year of building the first skyscraper in that city.
In this visualization, I created a multi-view by merging the histogram and the world map into one view.
This visualization shows you multiple views with brushing. You can interact with my visualization to see the power of brushing and answer all questions I had made before. This multi-view merges between the histogram and the world map. You can easily find the number of skyscrapers in each city by using the point in the city.
You can also know when each city built its first skyscraper. It also shows you when and where there was an urban renaissance in building skyscrapers by brushing and moving it through the years.
You can clearly find out that from 1900 to 1940 only the USA has skyscrapers. After 1965, many countries were starting to build skyscrapers around the world.
I hope you enjoy in this project. moreover, you go fork and try my project on Vizhub or downlode the code and work on it.
Time Required (in Hours) | Task | Estimate deliver date | Done |
2 | Searching for a good dataset | 14-10-2020 | ✔️ |
1 | Changing some attributes type from text to number to deal with it | 14-10-2020 | ✔️ |
3 | Adding the date for the first building in the city | 14-10-2020 | ✔️ |
4 | Making a histogram | 21-10-2020 | ✔️ |
1 | Adding X title and Y title for the chart | 21-10-2020 | ✔️ |
3 | Adding latitude and longitude to my dataset | 28-10-2020 | ✔️ |
3 | Making a bubble map for my data | 28-10-2020 | ✔️ |
2 | Changing the bubble to mountain (Triangle) | 28-10-2020 | ✔️ |
4 | Making a multi-view ( merging the histogram and the map in one view) | 4-11-2020 | ✔️ |
2 | Record a vidio for the project and uploded in youtube | 4-11-2020 | ✔️ |
4 | Record a video for the project and uploaded to youtube | 4-11-2020 | ✔️ |
1 | Project completion and closing | 5-11-2020 | ✔️ |