✨ MagicUser is a custom theme for Obsidian.md that provides a pleasant and focused note-taking experience, with light and dark themes for day and night use.
With the Style Settings community plugin, customize a wide range of theme elements to suit your preferences and create a truly engaging and productive workspace.
Open Obsidian Settings -> select Appearance
Themes -> click Manage -> search for MagicUser
Select the theme -> click Install and use
No extra plugin required.
Style Settings community plugin required.
Preset Themes - click to expand/collapse
MagicUser (Default)
MagicUser Room Lamp
- MagicUser Purple
- MagicUser Teal
- MagicUser Gray
- MagicUser Camouflage
- MagicUser Moon
- MagicUser Teacher
- MagicUser Creativity
- MagicUser Concentration
- MagicUser Stealth
MagicUser BG Themes (Light Themes)
- Darken background slider (all preset BG themes - dark mode). You can darken the background of all preset BG themes to improve readability.
The Chroma Amulet preset is a special preset that you can use to create multiple color themes.
How it Works:
- Select "MagicUser Chroma Amulet" preset.
- Select theme color using the first slider: color.
- Adjust the level of saturation using the second slider (turn this one closer to zero to greyish tones).
Quick and User-Friendly: The Chroma Amulet preset theme streamlines the theme personalization process, allowing you to create your favorite theme workspace colors effortlessly (using 1 or 2 sliders).
- Automatic adjustment: The Chroma Amulet preset automatically changes the color of various interface elements. This includes:
- Icons,
- Vault name,
- Inline title,
- Code punctuation,
- Sidebars and other UI elements.
MagicUser Chroma Amulet theme does not affect your accent color. So you can still use your favorite accent color with your chosen theme colors.
The MagicUser Accent theme is also a special preset that you can use to create multiple color themes.
How it Works:
- Select "MagicUser Accent" preset.
- Select accent color (Obsidian -> accent color picker).
The theme will adjust according to the selected accent color (headings, icons, borders, blockquote border, lists and other UI elements).
User Interface - click to expand
◼ Main Theme Colors
- Frame color
- Primary background color
- Secondary background color
- Caret / text cursor color
- Vault title color
- Inline title color
- Inline title font size
- Stacked mode tabs: active tab border color
- Stacked mode tabs: active tab border width
- Blockquote background color
- Blockquote border color
- Horizontal rule color
- List marker color
- List marker collapsed color
◼ Icons, Folders and Sidebars
- Folder name color (light and dark modes)
- Folder icon color
- File icon color
- Icon focused color
- Folder icons color.
- Select closed and opened folder icons.
- File icons color.
- Sidebars collapse icon color (folder collapse, outline collapse and others).
- Show/hide folder icons
- Show/hide file icons
◼ Indent Guides
- Select 6 indent guides colors (independent colors for light and dark modes)
◼ Line Highlight
- Active line highlight border color (9 options)
- Active line highlight background color (9 options)
◼ Laser
- MagicUser laser.
- Select laser focus type (Line or Area).
- Select laser color (7 colors).
- Select laser intensity.
- Select laser position.
◼ Graph
- Graph colors (node, node focused, line, graph text and other graph color options).
◼ Tables
- Table options (presets and colors)
◼ Tabs
- Select active tab foreground color (text and icon color).
- Select the style of the tabs (3 options): default tabs, square tabs and pill tabs.
- Default tabs mode: Select active tab border color.
- Default tabs mode: Select active tab border width (0 = no border).
- Stacked tabs mode: Select active tab border color.
- Stacked tabs mode: Select active tab border width (0 = no border).
◼ Reading Mode
Reading Glow submenu
- Reading glow options.
Reading Indicator and Labels submenu
- Reading indicator width - slider controller.
- Reading indicator color.
- H1-H6 label colors (independent colors for light and dark modes).
- Hide headings labels.
◼ Scrollbars
- Scrollbar width.
- Scrollbar track color.
- Scrollbar track hover color.
- Scrollbar thumb size.
- Scrollbar thumb color.
- Scrollbar thumb hover color.
◼ UI Advanced (Desktop Version)
- Warm screen mode (slider).
- Activate distraction-free mode.
- Activate total concentration mode.
- File line width (note width).
Hide UI Elements submenu:
- Hide vault name.
- Hide sidebar buttons (new note, new folder and others).
- Show/hide tab navigation back and forward buttons.
- Auto hide title bar top left buttons.
- Auto hide top side buttons.
- Auto hide bottom side buttons.
- Auto hide inline title.
- Auto hide status bar.
When auto hide is turned on, UI elements will gradually appear when you move your mouse over the area where they would normally be, and then gradually disappear when you move your mouse away.
Headings H1-H6 - click to expand
- Neon Mode
- Outline Neon Mode
- Neon glow controller
- Underline headings
Headings Settings submenu
- Headings font (H1 - H6)
- H1 to H6 font family
- H1 to H6 font family
- H1 to H6 font size
- H1 to H6 font weight (slider)
- H1 to H6 color
Neon Mode Headings submenu
- H1 to H6 neon mode colors
Text - click to expand
- Bold text color
- Italic text color
- Highlighted text color
- Underline text color
- Footnotes color
Links - click to expand
- Internal link decoration (underline, none)
- Internal link color
- Internal link hover color
- External link decoration (underline, none)
- External link color
- External Link hover color
Checklist - click to expand
- Checkbox shape: default (rounded corners), square and circle
- Checklist done decoration (underline, line-through, none)
- Checklist done text color
Code - click to expand
- Code font
- Code background color
- Keyword
- String
- Number
- Comment
- Function
- Property
- Tag
- Attribute
- Operator
- Punctuation
- Automatic Rainbow Colored Folders. You can activate/deactivate this feature using the Command Palette.
- Automatic Rainbow-Colored Folder Names and Icons. Folder and subfolder names and icons will be colored (no background color change). You can also toggle this feature (activate/deactivate) using the Command Palette.
- This feature allows you to set the starting color for the automatic rainbow color scheme applied to your folders and subfolders. This means you can determine the color assigned to the first folder in a hierarchy, and subsequent folders will follow the rainbow spectrum from that point.
- When activated, this mode will highlight the background of folders starting with the numbers "01" and/or "001" to "08" and/or "008" (according to the order of rainbow colors plus the gray color, 8th color). It will work with folders starting with "01 Folder name" to "08 Folder name".
- All subfolders will have the same color of the top folder.
Activate this mode using the Style Settings plugin:
User Interface -> Icons, Folders and Sidebars -> Numbered rainbow colored folders
Folder Icon Styles: You can select from 3 different folder styles for open and closed states (in Style Settings).
Folder and File Colors:
- You can select colors more intuitively using color pickers.
- You can select specific colors for closed folders, open folders, and files (for both light and dark modes).
You can also show/hide folder icons and file icons.
Style Settings:
Preset Themes -> Cards UI
- Outline UI - sidebars
- Outline UI - active icons and elements
- Outline UI - select border color (light/dark modes)
Style Settings:
Preset Themes -> Outline UI
Style Settings (Tabs Submenu)
- Select active tab foreground color (text and icon color).
- Select the style of the tabs (3 options): default tabs, square tabs and pill tabs.
- Default tabs mode: Select active tab border color.
- Default tabs mode: Select active tab border width (0 = no border).
- Stacked tabs mode: Select active tab border color.
- Stacked tabs mode: Select active tab border width (0 = no border).
New breadcrumb layout (view header breadcrumb). The breadcrumb folders will have the same border and background colors of the sidebar open folder area (file explorer).
You can also have an additional layout (Slanted breadcrumb - without the
separator and more compact. You can activate the slanted breadcrumb layout using Style Settings.
Style Settings:
User Interface -> Icons, Folders and Sidebars -> Slanted breadcrumb layout
Enhance your reading experience with personalized reading focus and comfort.
- MagicUser laser will be displayed in live preview, source and reading modes.
Style Settings:
User Interface -> Laser -> MagicUser laser
- Select laser focus type (Line or Area)
- Select laser color (7 colors - blue, green, red, orange, yellow, pink and purple)
- Select laser intensity.
- Select laser area size (slider).
- Select laser position (vertical position). Easily choose where you want the laser to highlight text on the screen. Whether you prefer to start at the top, center, or bottom, simply select your preferred reading position. The default position is in the center of the screen.
- Reading Mode: Reading glow effect.
- Style Settings: Reading glow color (7 colors).
- Style Settings: Reading glow border size.
- Style Settings: Reading glow corners size (0 = square corners).
This feature dynamically adjusts the font size of the current line for enhanced focus while typing or reading.
- Live preview and source modes: The font size of the line containing the cursor is temporarily magnified.
- Reading mode: Clicking on a line in reading mode activates a temporary zoom effect.
- Active line zoom can be toggled on or off via a shortcut key or the Command Palette.
Style Settings:
User Interface -> Line Highlight -> active line zoom
Hover underline (live preview, source and reading modes).
- Toggle hover underline (shortcut and/or Command Palette).
Style Settings:
User Interface -> Line Highlight -> Hover underline submenu
Hover underline submenu.
- Select hover underline style (default, dashed, dotted,double).
- Select hover underline color (independent color for light/dark mode).
- Select hover underline thickness (slider).
- Select the gap between text and hover underline (slider).
You can customize the indent guides colors using the Style Settings plugin (independent colors for light and dark modes).
- Style Settings: select sidebar open folder area border color.
- Style Settings: select sidebar open folder area background color.
- Style Settings: hide sidebar open folder area.
- Style Settings: Enable dark sidebar in light mode (compatible with preset themes)
Style Settings:
Preset Themes -> Dark sidebar (light mode)
Style Settings:
Headings H1-H6 -> Neon mode
You can customize the neon mode headings colors using the Neon Mode Headings submenu.
Style Settings:
Headings H1-H6 -> Neon Mode Headings
Outline Neon mode enlarges headings for effortless reading, all while keeping your text neon-highlighted. Choose your preferred style.
- Normal mode
- Neon mode
- Outline neon mode
You can toggle underline headings using a shortcut or the Command Palette.
Style Settings:
Headings H1-H6 -> Underline headings
Tags submenu (Style Settings)
- Turn on colored tags (44 preset tags)
- Tags shape (0 = square tags)
- Spacing between the text and the hashtag (#) - slider controller
- Hide hashtags (#)
- Tags text foreground color
- Tags text foreground hover color
- Tags background color
- Tags background hover color
- Tags border color
- Tags border hover color
Style Settings:
** User Interface** -> Tags
- **General todo and task status**:
- #todo
- #inprogress
- #ready
- #completed
- #implemented
- **Alerts**
- #attention
- #warning
- #caution
- **Academic**:
- #article
- #reference
- #citation
- #cheatsheet
- #review
- #research
- #watch
- #test
- **Solo/Team tags**:
- #solo
- #team
- **Schedule**:
- #date
- #appointment
- #meeting
- **General purpose**:
- #study
- #work
- #family
- #finances
- #video
- #bookmark
- #important
- #favorite
- #wishlist
- #reminder
- #art
- #idea
- #magic
- **Stars rating tags**:
- #s1
- #s2
- #s3
- #s4
- #s5
- **School grading system**:
- #gA
- #gB
- #gC
- #gD
- #gF
Style Settings:
User Interface -> UI Advanced -> Warm screen mode
- Instead of just dimming the screen, the warm scren mode adjusts the light spectrum towards warmer tones (red, orange, yellow) and reduces cooler tones (e.g. blue).
- Warmer tones are considered less harsh on the eyes, especially in low-light environments or extended use.
- The warm screen mode can create a more relaxing and soothing atmosphere for reading, working, or viewing media.
- If you embed PDFs, you will be able to read them with warmer screen color.
- You can adjust the warm screen mode intensity (using the slider).
- To turn it off, set the slider to zero (default option).
To show the left ribbon, place your cursor on the left side of the screen, it will hide again when you move your cursor away from the left side of the screen.
- You can also auto hide the status bar (UI Advanced).
Total concentration mode goes beyond distraction-free mode. It creates a state of flow unhindered by any visual interruptions. Focus solely on your writing or reading.
- Toggle total concentration mode quickly using a shortcut or Command Palette.
Style Settings:
User Interface -> UI Advanced -> Total concentration mode
Dataview tables can be converted to cards. Add cssclasses property (with
class) on the note you want to transform the dataview tables to cards. This cards class was inspired by @kepano excellent Minimal theme, but it is a different code and look. I hope you also find it useful. -
The default
class will add 3 columns maximum. If you want just 2 columns addcards cards2
(cssclasses property).
# Display table to cards (2 columns)
- cards
- cards2
- You can add 5 additional classes:
(corresponding to the number of columns - 1 to 5 columns). I think this is easy to remember and implement.
# Display table to cards (5 columns)
- cards
- cards5
- Checkbox shape: default (rounded corners), square and circle.
Style Settings:
Checklist -> Checkbox shape
> [!g-
+ color] Callout Title
> [!g-
+ color|number of columns] Callout Title
Number of columns: 1 - 5
Colors: white, black, gray
Create image galleries. You can quickly organize and display your images in columns (1 to 5 columns).
Gallery callouts in reading mode are interactive. Clicking and holding any image thumbnail within a gallery callout triggers a lightbox effect. This immerses you in the image by gently dimming the background, allowing you to appreciate its details without distractions.
Number of columns: The default callout option is 3 columns, if you don't add
of columns. You can quickly change image gallery display by changing this number (1 - 5 columns).
White background color - default (3 columns)
> [!g-white] Your Callout Title
> Place image 1 link (image 1)
> Place image 2 link (image 2)
> Place image n link (image n)
Gray background color - 5 columns
> [!g-gray|5] Your Callout Title
> Place image 1 link (image 1)
> Place image 2 link (image 2)
> Place image n link (image n)
> [!m-
+ color] Callout Title
Colors: white, black, gray
> [!table]
You can add a table inside the table callout and adjust the table size/width according to the page.
> [!table
+ |30% - 100%]
(percentage of the page occupied by the table)
- Values: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%.
- You can also center the table (just add
after the percentage). - Don't forget to leave an empty line before inserting the table.
Check it out the examples below.
Default Table Callout
> [!table] Table 1
> | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
> | :---: | :---: | :---: |
> | Text 1 | Text 2 | Text 3 |
> | Text 4 | Text 5 | Text 6 |
> | Text 7 | Text 8 | Text 9 |
Table 70%
> [!table|70%] Table 1
> | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
> | :---: | :---: | :---: |
> | Text 1 | Text 2 | Text 3 |
> | Text 4 | Text 5 | Text 6 |
> | Text 7 | Text 8 | Text 9 |
Table 50% width and centered
- add
percentage center
> [!table|50% center] Table 1
> | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
> | :---: | :---: | :---: |
> | Text 1 | Text 2 | Text 3 |
> | Text 4 | Text 5 | Text 6 |
> | Text 7 | Text 8 | Text 9 |
> [!hl-
+ color] Your Callout Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!p-
+ color] Your Callout Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!q-
+ color] Quote
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!b-
+ color] Your Callout Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!ub-
+ color]
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!l-
+ color] Your Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
Center the content by adding |center
as shown below:
> [l-
+ color|center] Your callout title
To align right, use |right
> [!lb-
+ color] Your Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
> [!h1 to h6-
+ color] Your Title
Colors: green, blue, orange, yellow, red, pink, purple
Center the callout heading by adding |center
as shown below:
> [h1 to h6-
+ color|center] Your callout title
To align right, use |right
> [!video]
> [!mic]
> [!clip]
or > [!paperclip]
> [!book]
> [!comment]
> [!target]
> [!pro]
or > [!pros]
> [!con]
or > [!cons]
> [!link]
or > [!links]
> [!magic]
- All callouts can be resized. You can use the same syntax as table callouts in other callouts to resize them on screen (also center them).
> [!callout-name|percentage]
> [!callout-name|percentage center]
> [!question|80% center] Your callout title
> Your callout content
- Values: 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%.
- You can also center the callout (just add
after the percentage)
When selecting text, the main edit cursor/caret will have a different width for better visibility (no blinking caret).
Additional carets/cursors have a different width and no blinking carets (solid appearance).
- It works inside code samples and normal editor areas.
- Active line number will have the same color of the text cursor/caret.
- Global search highlight, linked mentions and outline text highlight.
- The search result text in live preview, source and reading modes will appear in black text color with highlighted background (default is yellow, but you can select any highlight color using the Style Settings).
- In live preview and source modes, the text will also appear underlined to be easier to find. It works for all types of text (normal text, bold, italic, links, tags, code and headings).
The underline will be the same color of your text cursor/caret color.
- Outline highlight: When you click on the item (using the outline) it will highlight the text the same way (search). I think it will be easier to read, especially when using different colors for H1-H6 titles (normal mode and neon mode).
Inline interactive comments. You can add inline comments to any part of your note, and when you hover over it, the content will be displayed in a box. The comment icon will be highlighted.
You can add HTML bold
, italic<i>
, links<a href>
tags in order to format your comments to make it easier to you to review them. -
They were designed for quick comments 1 - 4 paragraphs.
The inline comments will not be printed or exported to PDF.
- Add the
tag with the classmuc
(MagicUser Comment) - Inside
<i class="muc">
just add a<span>
tag with your comment. There is no need to add any class to the span tag.
This is the text of your note <i class="muc">
This is your first inline comment.
- If you're used to HTML, just make it one line:
This is the text of your note <i class="muc"><span>This is your inline comment.</span></i>
The default underline color is red, but you can change it using the Style Settings plugin. You can also add 7 classes to make the text underlined. When you hover the underlined text it will become highlighted (underlined too). Please check the syntax below.
Text <u>underlined text</u>.
The classes below can quickly change the color of the underline (just the color names): blue, green, orange, yellow, red, purple and pink (7 colors).
Text <u>default underline</u>
Text <u class="blue">blue underline</u>.
Text <u class="green">green underline</u>.
Text <u class="yellow">yellow underline</u>.
Text <u class="orange">orange underline</u>.
Text <u class="red">red underline</u>.
Text <u class="purple">purple underline</u>.
Text <u class="pink">pink underline</u>.
The color of the text will remain the same, to avoid confusion with links.
Hidden Text Underline
A) Show text on hover (hide text on live preview and reading modes)
Add the hide
class to the <u>
HTML tags.
You can <u class="hide">hide</u> the text.
B) Show text on click and hold (hide text on live preview and reading modes)
Add the hide-c
class to the <u>
HTML tags (it will reveal on click).
You can <u class="hide-c">hide</u> the text.
C) Hide text on reading mode only - show on hover
Add the hide-r
class to the <u>
HTML tags. It will reveal on hover (reading mode).
You can <u class="hide-r">hide</u> the text.
D) Hide text on reading mode only - show on click
Add the hide-rc
class to the <u>
HTML tags. It will reveal on click (reading mode).
You can <u class="hide-rc">hide</u> the text.
- The hidden text will appear on hover or on click (bolder and highlighted). You can change the background (highlight) and foreground color using the Style Settings options (different colors for light and dark modes).
E) Hide on reading mode only - show on hover - full width
- Add the
class. It will hide the text on reading mode and occupy the full width of the parent element (table column) or page.
Question: What is the name of this theme? <u class="hide-w">MagicUser</u>
Text <mark>highlighted text</mark>
The default is yellow. But you can quickly change its color by adding the same 7 classes of the underlined text (just the color names). Please check it out below:
Normal default mark <mark>default highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="blue">blue highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="green">green highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="yellow">yellow highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="orange">orange highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="red">red highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="purple">purple highlight</mark>.
Text <mark class="pink">pink highlight</mark>.
Default theme table layout:
- Improved table layout (all preset themes - light and dark modes). The colors of the tables will adapt to the different background colors of the preset themes.
You can customize non-dataview tables using the Tables submenu.
Independent table colors for light and dark modes, you can also select outer and inner border widths (sliders).
Tables submenu (Style Settings):
- Preset tables
- Table body text color
- Table headers background color
- Table headers foreground color
- Table rows (odd) background color
- Table rows (even) background color
- Table row hover background color
- Outer table border width
- Inner table borders width (rows and columns borders)
- Disable table row hover
Table rounded corners (removed in theme version 19.2.0)
Style Settings: Preset tables
(column-striped table)table2
(with accent color)table5
(with accent color)table6
(with accent color)- Default table (main theme table layout)
- New: Numbered table (rows and columns have numbers). You can customize the numbers background color.
- New: Plain data (simple layout for dataview tables)
Style Settings:
User Interface -> Tables -> Preset tables
To achieve the desired table layout for specific notes, you can apply the above CSS classes (table1
to table6
Properties -> cssclasses ->
- You can customize the color of the footnotes (Style Settings). The default color is orange (light/dark modes).
The syntax highlighting in this theme is similar to the MagicUser themes for VS Code (MagicUser and MagicUser Light Blue).
- Outline inline code and outline code block: Add inline code and code block border color (independent outline). You can select independent colors for inline and code block elements (light and dark modes).
- You can toggle the outline inline code and outline code block using the command palette (or shortcut key).
- Select inline code border color.
- Select code block border color.
Style Settings:
Code -> Outline code
- Style Settings
- Excalidraw
- Dataview
- Kanban
- Calendar
- Full Calendar
- Tasks
- Commander
- Banners
The name “MagicUser” for the themes I create has a deep meaning for me:
Like a Magic User Class: It references the concept of a “MagicUser” class in object-oriented programming languages. Similar to how a programmer uses a class to define objects. MagicUser class would be used to create magic users. Notably, “MagicUser” follows the common convention in many programming languages of writing class names in PascalCase, where the first letter of each word is capitalized.
Personal Connection: But there’s a deeper meaning! This resonates strongly with me because in the late 80s and 90s, I played a game series that had a huge impact on my life, called Quest for Glory (originally known as Hero’s Quest: So You Want to Be a Hero). You could play as a fighter, a thief, or as a magic user/wizard. As you can guess, I played as the magic user.
In the second game, there was a quest where the player could strive to become a Paladin. The core values of the Paladin class resonated deeply with me. Still remember that board of quests, one of them was “The Way of the Paladin: To seek. To learn. To do.” Even though it was a game, the values became a guiding light for me, emphasizing seeking knowledge, continuous learning, and using that knowledge and your abilities to help others.
If you played the game and were good enough to become a Paladin, this only happened at the end of the second game (or during the third game).
While themes may come and go, hopefully, the underlying message will remain a constant.
Now you know the reasons why it’s called MagicUser.
Have suggestions for new features, usability improvements, or found a bug? Your feedback is appreciated! Submit an issue on GitHub and I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible. Every voice matters and helps shape the future of this theme. Thanks.
MagicUser Theme for Obsidian
MIT License ⓒ Bernardo Pires
Most of the icons for the checkboxes and the quote icon were created by me (MIT License). You can find the comment in the embedded SVGs.
The icons used by the file icon, other callouts and some checkboxes icons are from Lucide Icons used by Obsidian. The Lucide icon library is licensed under the ISC License.
Some checkbox icons were inspired by the excellent Minimal Theme by Stephan Ango (@kepano) and the Things Theme by Colin Eckert (@colineckert). You can find more information about @kepano and @colineckert below, please check their themes and support their work:
Style Settings Community Plugin
- Thanks to Matthew Meyers (@mgmeyers) for the amazing Style Settings Plugin. Excellent work.
Thanks for the Suggestions
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who offered suggestions, tested each new feature, and provided invaluable feedback. Thanks to your attention to detail and constructive criticism, the theme has evolved into what it is today.
- @alitekdemir - suggestion to add the extra checkboxes (extra 1 - screenshot), based on Minimal and Things Themes. I hope you also find them useful.
- @YannMiro - suggestion to show/hide file icons.
- @zhouxinghong - reading mode suggestions (display H1-H6 labels on hover, colored H1-H6 labels) and colored indent guides in file explorer. Style Settings Theme Options (collapse indicator color). Rounded tables suggestion.
- @ll14m4n - dataview tables and stacked mode suggestions. Suggestion to change neon heading colors and links in headings (when neon mode is on).
- @golden234431 (Obsidian Forum) - inline title font size.
- @fred.joe3697 (Obsidian Forum) - underlined text color, hidden text underline and inline comments suggestions. Callouts without title suggestion. Preset tables suggestions, disable table row background change and table text color. Hover underline suggestion.
- @New (Obsidian Forum) - note width suggestion.
- @YonKuma (Obsidian Forum) - hide headings labels.
- @merlinuwe - scrollbars customization suggestion. Numbered tables suggestion. Colored indent guides for lists. Hide indent guides and suggestions (issue #62). Open in new window border.
- @indigofairyx - outline code and outline blockquote suggestion. Outline sidebars. Transparent menus blur effect. Tags suggestions.
- @Medullitus - panel divider hover color suggestion (Style Settings option). Suggestion to select the color of sidebar tags count number.
- @tr_mstein (Obsidian Forum) - independent outline code for inline code and code block.
- @damiankorcz - disable alternative checkboxes suggestion.
- @TineKolenik - hide tabs icons suggestion.
Special congratulations to the Obsidian.md team for creating a great software application.