Useful JavaScript utilities (with TypeScript typings).
$ npm i @xcmats/js-toolbox
Works in node.js and browser environments (use webpack or Rollup to bundle it with your project).
list member functions (link):
var jsToolbox = require("@xcmats/js-toolbox") Object.keys(jsToolbox).sort()
[ "Y", "access", "add", "ap", "app", "array", "arrayDifference", "arrayIntersection", "arrayIsSubset", "arraySetEqual", "asciiLetters", "asciiLowercase", "asciiUppercase", "assign", "async", "asyncMap", "asyncRace", "asyncReduce", "asyncRepeat", "average", "b64ToHex", ... ]
play with
[ 14, 12, 15, 8, 13, 4, 5, 6, 1, 7, 10, 0, 2, 3, 9, 11 ]
do all other things shown in examples section below
$ mkdir playground
$ cd playground/
$ npm init
$ npm i @xcmats/js-toolbox
$ node
t = require("@xcmats/js-toolbox")
{ ... array: { ... }, ... utils: { ... } }
import { range } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/array";
import { stringToB64 } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/codec";
import { flow } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/func";
import { random } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/string";
const b64stringify = flow(
let spam = b64stringify({
tenNumbers: range(10),
randomLetters: random(20),
console.log("Stringified and b64-encoded object: ", spam);
$ git clone
Cloning into 'js-toolbox'...
$ cd js-toolbox
$ npm i
$ npm start
Copying type declarations and module configs ...
Generating type declarations from .ts files.
Compiling for 'commonjs' ...
Successfully compiled 47 files with Babel (1709ms).
If you're experimenting via RunKit then prepend all namespaces with "jsToolbox.
and if you're experimenting inside node.js console with npm package (as described
above) then prepend all namespaces with "t.
". If you're using the source
and have launched node.js session via npm start
then you're good to go
( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
{ append: [Function: append], countBy: [Function: countBy], difference: [Function: difference], draw: [Function: draw], drop: [Function: drop], dropLast: [Function: dropLast], findDuplicates: [Function: findDuplicates], flatten: [Function: flatten], head: [Function: head], init: [Function: init], intersection: [Function: intersection], isContinuous: [Function: isContinuous], isSorted: [Function: isSorted], isSubset: [Function: isSubset], last: [Function: last], range: [Function: range], removeDuplicates: [Function], setEqual: [Function: setEqual], shuffle: [Function: shuffle], sparse: [Function: sparse], tail: [Function: tail], take: [Function: take], takeEvery: [Function: takeEvery], takeLast: [Function: takeLast], zipWith: [Function: zipWith], zip: [Function] }
{ ap: [Function ap], bind: [Function bind], cancellable: [Function: cancellable], createMutex: [Function: createMutex], createTimedBarrier: [Function: createTimedBarrier], delay: [Function: delay], interval: [Function: interval], liftr: [Function: liftr], map: [Function: map], parMap: [Function: parMap], promisePool: [Function: promisePool], race: [Function: race], rbind: [Function: rbind], reduce: [Function: reduce], repeat: [Function: repeat], timeout: [Function: timeout], unit: [Function: unit] }
TypedArray coders/decoders
{ concatBytes: [Function: concatBytes], compareBytes: [Function: compareBytes], stringToBytes: [Function], bytesToString: [Function], csv: [Function], hexToBytes: [Function: hexToBytes], bytesToHex: [Function: bytesToHex], b64dec: [Function], b64enc: [Function], b64ToString: [Function], stringToB64: [Function], b64ToHex: [Function], hexToB64: [Function], random: [AsyncFunction], timestamp: [Function: timestamp] }
{ app: [Function: app], choose: [Function: choose], compose: [Function: compose], curry: [Function: curry], curryN: [Function: curryN], curryThunk: [Function: curryThunk], flow: [Function: flow], handleException: [Function: handleException], identity: [Function: identity], lazyish: [Function: lazyish], locker: [Function: locker], local: [Function: local], partial: [Function: partial], pipe: [Function: pipe], rearg: [Function: rearg], Y: [Function: Y] }
{ add: [Function], average: [Function: average], clamp: [Function: clamp], dec: [Function], degrees: [Function], div: [Function], inc: [Function], interpolate: [Function], inv: [Function], log10: [Function: log10], log2: [Function: log2], mod: [Function], mul: [Function], neg: [Function], pow: [Function], product: [Function: product], radians: [Function], randomInt: [Function: randomInt], remainder: [Function], roundIfClose: [Function: roundIfClose], sub: [Function], sum: [Function: sum] }
{ bind: [Function: bind], hasValue: [Function: hasValue], JUST: [Function: JUST], NOTHING: { [Symbol(__maybe)]: false }, optionalize: [Function: optionalize], rbind: [Function: rbind] }
{ asciiLetters: [Function: asciiLetters], asciiLowercase: [Function: asciiLowercase], asciiUppercase: [Function: asciiUppercase], big: [Function], camelToPascal: [Function: camelToPascal], camelToSnake: [Function: camelToSnake], capitalize: [Function: capitalize], digits: [Function: digits], ellipsis: { [Function: ellipsis] BEGIN: 0, MIDDLE: 1, END: 2 }, empty: [Function: empty], space: [Function: space], nl: [Function: nl], tab: [Function: tab], padLeft: [Function: padLeft], padRight: [Function: padRight], pascalToCamel: [Function: pascalToCamel], pascalToSnake: [Function: pascalToSnake], quote: [Function: quote], random: [Function: random], shorten: { [Function: shorten] BEGIN: 0, MIDDLE: 1, END: 2 }, snakeToCamel: [Function: snakeToCamel], snakeToPascal: [Function: snakeToPascal], wrap: [Function: wrap] }
{ access: [Function: access], assign: [Function: assign], clone: [Function], hashAccessor: [Function: hashAccessor], keyAccessor: [Function: keyAccessor], dfs: [Function: dfs], dict: [Function: dict], isBasicData: [Function: isBasicData], isBasicDataOrUndefined: [Function: isBasicDataOrUndefined], objectMap: [Function: objectMap], objectReduce: [Function: objectReduce], rewrite: [Function: rewrite], swap: [Function: swap] }
{ isArray: [Function: isArray], isBoolean: [Function: isBoolean], isDate: [Function: isDate], isFunction: [Function: isFunction], isNumber: [Function: isNumber], isObject: [Function: isObject], isRegExp: [Function: isRegExp], isString: [Function: isString], lazyNullishCoalesce: [Function: lazyNullishCoalesce], maxInt: 9007199254740991, minInt: -9007199254740991, nullToUndefined: [Function: nullToUndefined], toBool: [Function: toBool], undefinedToNull: [Function: undefinedToNull] }
{ btquote: [Function: btquote], devEnv: [Function: devEnv], getLibConfig: [Function: getLibConfig], getProcess: [Function: getProcess], isBrowser: [Function: isBrowser], rgb: [Function: rgb], rgba: [Function: rgba], run: [Function: run], timing: [Function: timing], timeUnit: { ... }, to_: [Function: to_], url: [Function: url] }
Find the lenghts of the words in a given sentence and count how many of them exists in each length group.
array.countBy( 'exemplo plus quam ratione vivimus'.split(' '), w => w.length, );
{ '4': 2, '7': 3 }
Choose a random element from a given
(or a random character from a givenstring
Find duplicates in a given
.array.findDuplicates(['one', 'two', 'one', 'six', 'two', 'two']);
[ 'one', 'two' ]
Flatten passed
, i.e. transform[[1, 2,], ..., [3, 4,],]
to[1, 2, ..., 3, 4,]
.array.flatten(Object.entries({ a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }));
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ]
Return a list containing an arithmetic progression.
range(i, j)
returns[i, i+1, i+2, ..., j-1]
. Possible invocations are:range(stop)
,range(start, stop)
,range(start, stop, step)
. Whenstart
is omitted it defaults to0
. Whenstep
is given, it specifies the increment (or decrement).array.range(10);
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
array.range(-128, -256, -16);
[ -128, -144, -160, -176, -192, -208, -224, -240 ]
Randomly shuffle all elements in the given
(Durstenfeld's modification to the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm). The operation is taken in-place.array.shuffle(array.range(12));
[ 9, 7, 0, 8, 2, 10, 3, 1, 11, 4, 5, 6 ]
Generate sparse array of distinct integers.
sparse(stop, size)
distinct integers in range[0..stop-1]
.sparse(start, stop, size)
distinct integers in range[start..stop-1]
.array.sparse(1024, 8);
[ 6, 34, 170, 422, 530, 643, 855, 862 ]
"Zip" given arrays using provided
operator.array.zipWith((a, b) => a + b) ([1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40]);
[ 11, 22, 33, 44 ]
Take every 3rd element from a given array.
array.takeEvery(3) ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
[0, 3, 6, 9]
Delay current async execution by
miliseconds.(async () => { await async.delay(); console.log('Hello ...'); await async.delay(); console.log('... world'); }) ();
Promise { <pending> } Hello ... ... world
Invoke a sequence of asynchronous operations on an array of elements.
(async () => { let x = await array.range(10), (x) => async.timeout(() => { console.log(4*x); return 4*x; }, array.head(array.sparse(1000, 1))), ); console.log(`Result: ${x}`); }) ();
Promise { <pending> } 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Result: 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36
Paralelly execute operation on each element of the array.
(async () => { let x = await async.parMap( array.range(10), (x) => async.timeout(() => { console.log(4*x); return 4*x; }, array.head(array.sparse(1000, 1))), ); console.log(`Result: ${x}`); }) ()
Promise { <pending> } 24 8 16 12 28 20 0 36 32 4 Result: 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36
Accumulate value over an array of elements using asynchronous operation.
(async () => { let x = await async.reduce( array.range(10), (acc, x) => async.timeout(() => { console.log(acc+x); return acc+x; }, 100*x), ); console.log(`Accumulated value: ${x}`); }) ()
Promise { <pending> } 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 Accumulated value: 45
Convert UTF-8 string into an array of bytes.
codec.stringToBytes('Koń: 🐎');
Uint8Array [ 75, 111, 197, 132, 58, 32, 240, 159, 144, 142 ]
Convert array of bytes into a UTF-8 string.
data = Uint8Array.from([70, 111, 120, 58, 32, 240, 159, 166, 138]);
Uint8Array [ 70, 111, 120, 58, 32, 240, 159, 166, 138 ]
'Fox: 🦊'
Encode given byte array to Base64. Base64 encoding in browser and node.js.
data = Uint8Array.from([240, 159, 142, 169, 240, 159, 144, 176]);
Uint8Array [ 240, 159, 142, 169, 240, 159, 144, 176 ]
Decode given Base64 string to byte array. Base64 decoding in browser and node.js.
data = codec.b64dec('8J+OqfCfkLA=');
Uint8Array [ 240, 159, 142, 169, 240, 159, 144, 176 ]
Convert hex-encoded string to a byte representation.
Uint8Array [ 202, 186, 250, 135 ]
Uint8Array [ 18, 52, 86, 120, 144, 171, 205, 239 ]
Convert byte representation to a hex-encoded string.
codec.bytesToHex(Uint8Array.from([31, 63, 127, 255]));
Concatenate contents of a given byte arrays.
codec.concatBytes( Uint8Array.from([255, 255, 0, 0]), codec.stringToBytes('🌍'), Uint8Array.from([128, 64]), );
Uint8Array [ 255, 255, 0, 0, 240, 159, 140, 141, 128, 64 ]
Compare two byte arrays.
codec.compareBytes( codec.stringToBytes('𝓬𝓸𝓭𝓮'.normalize('NFC')), codec.stringToBytes('𝐜𝐨𝐝𝐞'.normalize('NFC')), );
codec.compareBytes(codec.hexToBytes('0xFF'), Uint8Array.from([255]));
Function composition.
func.compose( string.quote, string.shorten, ) ( "When I find myself in times of trouble", 20, string.shorten.END, );
'"When I find myself …"'
stringToHex = func.flow(codec.stringToBytes, codec.bytesToHex);
stringToHex('Kaboom! 💥');
func.pipe('4b61626f6f6d2120f09f92a5') ( codec.hexToBytes, codec.bytesToString );
'Kaboom! 💥'
Translate the evaluation of function
taking multiple arguments into an evaluation of sequence of functions, each with a single argument.addition = (a, b, c) => a + b + c;
[Function: addition]
func.curry(addition) (1) (2) (3);
Function arguments rearrangement.
console.log('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
a b c d e
revConsole = rearg(console.log) (4, 3, 2, 1, 0); revConsole('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
e d c b a
revConsole('f') ('g', 'h') ('i') ('j');
j i h g f
Y-combinator - returns fixed point of a higher-order function passed as
. Anonymous recursion in Javascript.factorial = func.Y((r) => (n) => n <= 0 ? 1 : n * r(n - 1));
Compute mathematical average of array of numbers.
math.average([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
Base 2 logarithm.
Base 10 logarithm.
Sum of numbers in passed
.math.sum([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
Allocate a big string (of size
Quote text.
string.quote('div', '<>');
Construct random string of desired length.
Shorten a given string to the desired length.
string.shorten('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 15);
string.shorten( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question', 20, string.shorten.END, );
'To be, or not to be…'
to an object.struct.access({ a: { b: { c: 42 } } }, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
from the result ofObject.entries()
call.entries = [[k1, v1,], ..., [kn, vn,]]
struct.dict([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], ['e', 'f']]);
{ a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }
Shallow map (iteration) on objects.
struct.objectMap( { what: 'od', i: '?rof dnats' }, ([k, v,]) => [ string.capitalize(k), v.split('').reverse().join(''), ], );
{ What: 'do', I: 'stand for?' }
Swap keys with values in a given
.struct.swap({ a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' });
{ b: 'a', d: 'c', f: 'e' }
Determine if a given value is a proper
and notInfinity
).[type.isNumber(NaN), type.isNumber(-Infinity), type.isNumber(1234.5678)]
[ false, false, true ]
Determine if a given value is an
, notundefined
and notArray
).[type.isObject(null), type.isObject([]), type.isObject({})]
[ false, false, true ]
This library is suitable to use in server and browser environments and it is being used as such. Go ahead and file an issue or submit a fresh PR if you found a bug 🐞.
You can support this project via stellar network:
- Payment address: xcmats*
- Stellar account ID:
js-toolbox is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE for more details.