This is the source of the app GithubMeetup.
- click here
- Modify the issue to match your talk
- Submit
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build
Open with your favorite editor and debug with:
$ grunt serve
Configure src/gm/gmConfig.js so it points to your repo, ex:
githubServiceProvider.config.owner = 'drpicox';
githubServiceProvider.config.repo = 'proto-githubmeetup';
Create milestones (a meetup) in your project with the following yaml+markdown
(edit to adapt to your content):
time: 19.10h
name: itnig
lat: 41.396229
lng: 2.194053
z: 14
- aba
- bera
Welcome *today*
In fact this milestone is to test that today is working.
Change due date as needed.
Allow your speakers to create issues (talks) on your milestones (meetups). Issues should have a description like the following yaml+markdown
(edit to adapt to your content):
level: normal
language: es
twitter: drpicox
- hello
- node
- world
A talk description
To accept a talk, verify that it is in the correct milestone and close the issue.