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Yii2 Wordpress API

Yii2 client for Wordpress Rest API (part of core as of Wordpress 4.7)

Full API Documentation here:


PHP5 with CURL extensions.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist drsdre/yii2-wordpress-api "*"

or add

"drsdre/yii2-wordpress-api": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Authorisation Setup

Setup a connection using either using


The example below uses a model to store Wordpress authorisation data. The fields required are:

  • site_url [string]
  • client_key [string]
  • client_secret [string]
  • access_token [Json string]

You need a web action to authorize the oAuth1 access.

	 * Execute oAuth verification
	 * @param $id of wordpress_site record
	 * @param null $oauth_token
	 * @return yii\web\Response
	public function actionVerifyAccess($id, $oauth_token = null) {
		$this->findModel( $id );

		// Open Wordpress Auth API
		$oauthClient = new WordpressAuth([
			'apiBaseUrl' => $this->site_url, // (without API directory)
			'consumerKey' => $this->model->client_key,
			'consumerSecret' => $this->model->client_secret,

		try {
			if (is_null($oauth_token)) {
				// If no authorisation token, start authorization web flow
				// Must set return URL without parameter to prevent 'OAuth signature does not match' error
                // Get request token
				$oauth_token = $oauthClient->fetchRequestToken();
				// Get authorization URL
				$url         = $oauthClient->buildAuthUrl($oauth_token);
				// Redirect to authorization URL
				return $this->redirect($url); 

			// After user returns at our site:
			$access_token = $oauthClient->fetchAccessToken($oauth_token);
			// Upgrade to access token
			$this->model->access_token = yii\helpers\Json::encode($access_token->params);
			// Save token to record
			$result = $this->model->save();
		} catch (yii\base\Exception $e) {
			yii::$app->session->setFlash( 'alert', [
				'body'    => yii::t( 'app', 'Verification failed. Error: ' ).$e->getMessage(),
				'options' => [ 'class' => 'alert-danger' ],
			] );

        // Redirect to main overview
		return $this->redirect('/wordpress_site/'); 

With the access token, the Wordpress API can be initialised like this:

$wordpress_credentials = [ 
   'endpoint'      => $WordpressSite->site_url,
   'client_key'    => $WordpressSite->client_key,
   'client_secret' => $WordpressSite->client_secret,
   'access_token'  => Json::decode( $WordpressSite->access_token ),

$WordpressApiClient = new drsdre\WordpressApi\Client( $wordpress_credentials );

Basic Authentication

$wordpress_credentials = [ 
   'endpoint' => $WordpressSite->site_url,
   'username' => $WordpressSite->username,
   'password' => $WordpressSite->password

$WordpressApiClient = new drsdre\WordpressApi\Client( $wordpress_credentials );

Use the API

Once the Wordpress API Client is authorized, request can be made to the API.

Retrieve paged data:

$api_post_page        = 1;

do {
    $ApiResult = $WordpressApiClient->getData(
    $data = $ApiResult->asArray();
    < do something with the data >
} while ( $api_post_page <= $ApiResult->result_total_pages );


That's all!