dsgrid-legacy-efs-api is a Python API for accessing demand-side grid model (dsgrid) data produced for the Electrification Futures Study (EFS)
To get the basic package, run:
pip install dsgrid-legacy-efs-api
If you would like to run the example notebooks and browse the files available through the Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI), install the required extra dependencies:
pip install dsgrid-legacy-efs-api[ntbks,oedi]
and also clone the repository.
You will need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account to access the OEDI files on S3. (Access is free of charge, but credentials are needed for the software to work.) If you don't yet have an AWS account, you can set one up from https://console.aws.amazon.com.
Once that is done, you will need to
pip install awscli
aws configure
The aws configure
step requires access key information. If you don't know what
that is or have lost those credentials, login to the AWS console, click on your
profile name in the upper right corner and select “Security credentials.” Then
you’ll want to “Create access key” and download the .csv file containing the
resulting “Access key” and “Secret access key”. Those are the main items you need
to paste onto the command line when aws configure
asks for them. You'll also be
asked to set your AWS region and output format, e.g.,
region = us-west-2
output = json
Once those steps are complete you should be able to run the .ipynb files in the dsgrid-legacy-efs-api/notebooks folder, which include functionality for directly browsing the OEDI oedi-data-lake/dsgrid-2018-efs data files. If you would like to use the HSDS service, please see the configuration instructions at https://github.com/NREL/hsds-examples/.