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Ansible roles for Windows

Repository containing various Windows roles and helper scripts.


Ansible role to configure Windows server base OS.

This role configures registry settings, installs packages and PowerShell modules, configures networking, joins a domain and adds administrative users.


Ansible role to install Windows Server Update Services pre-reqs and features.

This role bootstraps a new WSUS server. It installs the Windows Update Services Role and Management Tools, creates a folder to store content, installs .Net Framework 3.5 and installs Microsoft Report Viewer 2008.

This role also configures WSUS with the following parameters:

* Synchronize from Microsoft Update
* Enable only English Language Updates
* Use a proxy server
* Update only certain products - 'Windows Server 2008 R2', 'Windows Server 2012 R2', 'Windows Server 2016'
* Update only certain classifications - 'Critical Updates', 'Security Updates
* Configure automatic synchronization - Nightly @ 00:00
* Configure automatic approvals