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kishoreyekkanti edited this page Dec 6, 2012 · 13 revisions

Testing Tools

General Setup information

  1. Using the command line, setup a new project folder
  2. Download and install NativeDriver, JUnit and the GIT project into the folder.

Download and Install the Android Project for GitHub

  • [Commandline]: git clone

Download and Install NativeDriver

Starting the Android Tests

Prepare the Android device to receive NativeDriver requests

  1. Enable port forwarding to bind the device port to a port on your PC. This allows the NativeDriver client to communicate with the device through a normal TCP connection.
  • [Commandline]: adb forward tcp:54129 tcp:54129
  1. This restarts the app with instrumentation enabled. The NativeDriver ServerInstrumentation class listens for requests to drive the app on a device port in a JSON Wire Protocol, which is almost identical to that protocol used by Selenium WebDriver.
  • [Commandline]: adb shell am instrument com.rapidftr/


  • There is currently a problem with trying to automate any Android version less than 2.2.
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