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Ubuntu Offline Installer 1580

kavithaRajagopalan edited this page Mar 13, 2013 · 8 revisions

In some situations, we may need to install RapidFTR in places where there is no internet connectivity. Hence we need an offline installer package which can then be installed offline via a CD or USB drive.

NOTE: The instructions are more important than the attached code

General Workflow:

  • Create the package in a separate, Sys-Admin machine, with full access to internet
  • Copy it to the field in a CD or USB or any other medium
  • Install it on a Field Netbook, which does not have any internet connection


  • Ubuntu 12.04

In the Sys-Admin machine

First step is to get all the dependencies (like CouchDB, Ruby, etc), and then to create the offline installer package.

Download the External Dependencies

  • Before you do anything, first download the necessary dependencies
  • Don't use the RapidFTR folder for this
  • Create a separate folder where you want to download all the dependencies, and run:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:longsleep/couchdb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --print-uris --yes install couchdb imagemagick openjdk-7-jdk ruby1.8 thin openssh-server rubygems1.8 libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libzip2 libzip-dev build-essential | grep ^\\' | cut -d\\' -f2 > /tmp/dependencies.txt
wget -i /tmp/dependencies.txt
  • Ensure that you now have a big bunch of deb files in this folder

Create the Installer DEB

  • Ensure that you've downloaded the dependencies separately first
  • Make sure that gem installs do not install unnecessary documentation:(Skip if this fails)
echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > /etc/gemrc
  • Now install some of the dependencies, just to generate the installer package:
sudo apt-get install --yes ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev rubygems1.8 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev build-essential git libzip2 libzip-dev openssh-server
sudo gem install bundler -v 1.2.5
sudo gem install fpm
  • Get the latest RapidFTR codebase from git:
git clone
cd Rapidftr
  • Run the following command from the RapidFTR codebase to create the package:
sudo lib/tasks/ubuntu/
  • This will copy all RapidFTR files into /usr/lib/rapidftr temporarily, and will create a "deb" file out of it
  • "rapidftr-x.y.deb" should now be present in your current folder

Copying to a CD or USB

Once the dependencies are downloaded and the installer package is created, they can now be copied over to any medium for distribution.

  • Copy all the external dependencies that were downloaded in the first step
  • Copy the rapidftr-x.y.deb which was generated in the second step

In the Target Ubuntu NetBook

In the target netbook, now RapidFTR can be installed even without any internet connectivity.

  • First install all the external dependencies:
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
  • Then install the RapidFTR deb:
sudo dpkg -i rapidftr-x.y.deb
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