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Installing and configuring Couchdb Lucene

barisbalic edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

1. Firstly go to the downloads for couchdb-lucene and grab the latest ‘dist’ download. You can build from source, if this is a popular option I’ll document how.
tar -xvvf couchdb-lucene-0.5.5.dist.tar.gz

2. Copy couchdb-lucene to somewhere sensible and edit the “conf/couchdb-lucene.ini” if need be, for dev the settings should be fine as they are.
sudo mv couchdb-lucene-0.5.5 /opt/couchdb-lucene

3. Modify your couchdb configuration so that it is capable of communicating with couchdb-lucene, you will need to add or uncomment sections for “external” and “httpd_db_handlers” as follows. The first adds a definition for the external python hook, the second tells couch to pass requests on to the couchdb-lucene for fti (Full-Text Indexing). You should not remove existing entries for the handlers.

fti=/usr/bin/python /opt/couchdb-lucene/tools/

fti = {couch_httpd_external, handle_externalreq, <<"fti">>}

4. Restart couchdb.
sudo /etc/init.d/couchdb restart

5. Run couchdb-lucene

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