A MATLAB-inspired interpreted language supporting variable assignment; MATLAB-style matrix literals; and arithmetic and matrix operations.
Created as a Software Systems project by Duncan mazza and Junwon Lee at Olin College of Engineering. Read our final project report* here: reports/report.md.
*Report valid for repository as of commit hash 2c3e958602c2083a594e0743075d38c14c235d14
Make sure to clone with the --recurse-submodules
flag. To add a submodule that is present remotely after the fact, run: git submodule update --init --remote
Included as submodules:
- mpc - "...a lightweight and powerful Parser Combinator library for C."
- GoogleTest - a C++ test framework.
From the project root:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j12
From the build directory created in the compilation step:
For information on how to use the language, refer to the project report: reports/report.md.
To run the unit tests, first follow the above compilation instructions. Then, from the <project root>/build
cd tests/