Derive limits on the energy cutoff parameter of a spectral model in gammapy-0.16.
Three methods are supported:
- Profile likelihood
- Bootstrap
- Affine invariant Markov chain
Given a gammapy dataset (of type gammapy.modeling.Dataset), the target model (of type gammapy.modeling.models.SkyModel) and target parameter name needs to be defined:
import ecpli
limit_target = ecpli.LimitTarget(model=target_model,
Afterwards, a frequentist upper limit on this variable can be derived. Given a confidence level CL and a set of gammapy models for the dataset (of type gammapy.modeling.models.Models), e.g. a profile likelihood limit is derived as:
method = ecpli.ConstrainedLR(limit_target, dataset, models, CL)
ul = method.ul
As a complete example, consider the "3d analysis" notepad from the gammapy-0.16 documentation. Let the notepad run. As final cell, insert:
import ecpli
from gammapy.modeling.models import Models
limit_target = ecpli.LimitTarget(model=model,
method = ecpli.ConstrainedLR(limit_target, dataset, Models([model,]), CL=0.95)
ul = method.ul
print("UL on lambda: " + str(ul))
print("LL on energy cutoff: " + str(1/ul))
Other implemented methods are
- UnconstrainedLR
- UniformPriorEnsembleMCMC, WeakPriorEnsembleMCMC
- BestFitParametricBootstrap, PoissonParametricBootstrap, NonParametricBootstrap
These methods have a very similar API as ConstrainedLR in the example above.
The frequentist coverage of all provided methods is tested for typical gamma-ray point sources and confirmed at a confidence level of 95%.