A full stack web application project built with React, Express.js, and Sequelize.js
Deployed site: https://shkd.fly.dev/
Users can:
- Create a profile
- Browse listings generated by users
- Create listings for sale
- Edit and delete listing
- Add listings to cart and checkout
- View transaction history
- Toggle between light and dark mode
Please click to expand embedded walkthroughs
Landing Page and Login
Browse for listings and search for them via the searchbar
Create, edit, and delete a listing
Add listings to cart, checkout, and view transaction history
Node.js v16 LTS is recommended
Backend API
- express.js (v4.18.2)
- sequelize.js (v6.25.2)
- PostgreSQL (v14 recommended)
Frontend React client
- Based on
- Chakra UI
- React Router (v6)
To run the backend API on your local machine, make sure to read the following:
- Check if you have PostgreSQL installed
- ✅ versions 10-14 should work
- 🚫 version 15 has not been tested
- If you need to install PostgreSQL see the installing PostgreSQL guides
The project-starter template which this repository was forked from expects the following for local development:
- PostgreSQL User/Role
- name:
- password:
- name:
- PostgreSQL Database
- name:
- name:
If you are on Windows and installed pgAdmin follow our pgAdmin guide to create a user in PostgreSQL named ctp_user
with the password ctp_pass
and a database named ctp_appdb_development
Create a user in PostgreSQL named ctp_user
with the password ctp_pass
This only needs to be done one time on your machine You can create additional users if you want to.
createuser -P -s -e ctp_user
Create a separate db for this project:
createdb -h localhost -U ctp_user ctp_appdb_development
You will create a DB for each project you start based on this repo. For other projects change
to the new apps database name.
For local development you will need two terminals open, one for the api-backend and another for the react-client.
Clone this app, then:
# api-backend terminal 1
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run dev
# react-client terminal 2
cd client
npm install
npm start
- api-backend will launch at: http://localhost:8080
- react-client will launch at: http://localhost:3000
In production you will only deploy a single app. The react client will build into static files that will be served from the backend.
- Create a Starter account using your Github username
- You get $5 in credit a month for free and do not have to provide a credit card
- Verify your account by answering Railways questions
- Create a "New Project"
- Select "Deploy from Github repo"
- follow instruction to link your project repo to railway
- Click "Deploy now"
- your app will fail, but we will fix it in the next steps
- Add a PostgreSQL Database to your Railway project
- click the "+ New" button at the top right of the project
- click "Database >"
- click "Add PostgreSQL"
- to add a PostgreSQL Database to your project
- Add environment variables if you need any
- Do not add the
variable (Railway will set this for you)
- Do not add the
Your app will now be live and auto deployed on new commits. If it's not working you may need to restart the app manually in the Railway UI.
NOTE: Heroku is no longer free, but these instructions still work. We recommend getting started with railway.app
- Create a Heroku account (if you don't have one)
- Install the heroku cli (if you don't already have it)
- Requires that you have
# login with the cli tool
heroku login
Next, cd
into this project directory and create a project:
# replace `cool-appname` with your preferred app name
heroku create cool-appname
# add a free PostgreSQL database to your heroku project
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
This will make your app accessible at https://cool-appname.herokuapp.com (if the name is available).
You only need to do this once per app
Any environment variables your app needs will be available through your heroku project's settings page.
NOTE: Heroku calls them Config Vars
- Go to the dashboard page here: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps
- Click on the Settings tab
- Click
Reveal Config Vars
- Add any environment variables you have in your
Whenever you want to update the deployed app run this command.
git push heroku main
This command deploys your main branch. You can change that and deploy a different branch such as:
git push heroku development
. ├── README.md ├── api │ ├── app.js │ ├── config │ │ └── config.json │ ├── controllers │ │ ├── index.js │ │ └── microPosts.js │ └── models │ ├── MicroPost.js │ └── index.js ├── client │ ├── README.md │ ├── package-lock.json │ ├── package.json │ ├── public │ │ ├── favicon.ico │ │ ├── index.html │ │ ├── logo192.png │ │ ├── logo512.png │ │ ├── manifest.json │ │ └── robots.txt │ └── src │ ├── App.css │ ├── App.js │ ├── components │ │ ├── AddModal.js │ │ ├── CartDrawer.js │ │ ├── CartTable.js │ │ ├── DeleteListingButton.js │ │ ├── EditModal.js │ │ ├── Footer.js │ │ ├── Headline.js │ │ ├── LoadingSpinner.js │ │ ├── Navigation.js │ │ ├── ProductCard.js │ │ └── ProfileMenu.js │ ├── index.js │ └── pages │ ├── LandingPage.js │ ├── ListingsPage.js │ ├── LoginPage.js │ ├── MyListingsPage.js │ ├── OrderHistoryPage.js │ └── RegisterPage.js ├── package-lock.json └── package.json