- distro: archlinux
- window manager: river
- top bar: waybar
- launcher: wofi
- file manager: nemo
- terminal emulator: kitty
- shell: zsh + oh-my-zsh
- editor: neovim
- ide: visual studio code
- font: fira code nerd + jetbrains mono nerd
- *fetch: hyfetch
- river
- wl-clipboard
- swaylock
- grim
- slurp
- imagemagick
- python-pywal
- waybar
- kitty
- nemo
- polkit-gnome
- xdg-desktop-portal & xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
- gnome-keyring
- mako
- swww
- flatpak
- telegram
- steam
after installing the dependencies and the optional programs, just run the script, or copy manually.
$ git clone https://github.com/dyingwillow/dotfiles-river -b laptop
$ cd dotfiles-river
$ ./install.sh