Major steps:
- prepare the metagenome data
- map the sequencing reads to the reference
- calculate the RPKM
- Trim adaptors, optionally, reads with Ns can be disregarded by adding “maxns=0” and reads with really low average quality can be disregarded with “maq=8”
${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/ in=${dataset_pathway}/input.fastq out=${output_pathway}/output.fastq ref=${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/resources/adapters.fa ktrim=r k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 tpe tbo
2)Remove synthetic artifacts and spike-ins by kmer-matching This will remove all reads that have a 31-mer match to PhiX, allowing one mismatch. The “outm” stream will catch reads that matched a reference kmers, “stats” will produce a report of which contaminant sequences were seen, and how many reads had them
${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/ in=${trimed_dataset_pathway}/trimed.fastq out=${output_pathway}/output_u.fastq outm=${output_pathway}/output_m.fastq ref=${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/resources/sequencing_artifacts.fa.gz ref=${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/resources/phix174_ill.ref.fa.gz k=31 hdist=1 stats=stats.txt
3)error correction Low-depth reads can be discarded here with the”tossdepth”, or “tossuncorrectable” flags For very large datasets, “prefilter=1” or “prefilter=2” can be added to conserve memory
${BBMAP_PATHWAY}/ -Xmx32g in= output_u.fastq out=output_tecc.fastq filtermemory=7g ordered prefilter=1
- Select reads that sequence length > 100 (pullseq)
{PATHWAY_PULLSEQ}/pullseq -i ${patway_input}/assembly_data.fastq -m 100
${pathway_output}/sequence_min100.fastq Deinterleave paired reads (bbtools) $ {BBMAP_PATHWAY}/ in=${pathway_input}/output_tecc.fastq out1=${pathway_output}/read1.fastq out2=${pathway_output}/read2.fastq 2)read mapping (bowtie2) Create bowtie2 index file
${PATHWAY_BOWTIE2}/bowtie2 -build ${pathway_input}/sequence_min100.fastq sequence_min10 Sequence alignment
${PATHWAY_BOWTIE2}/bowtie2 -x sequence_min100 -1 {pathway_input}/read1.fastq -2 ${pathway_input}/read2.fastq -S {pathway_output}/ alignment.sam -p 19
You can obtain the number of aligned reads in the output file and the number of total read can be obtained in the log file of assembly Mapping rate = the number of aligned reads/ the number of total reads
- Count Mapped Reads
${Shrinksam_pathway}/shrinksam -i {pathway_input}/ alignment.sam > {output_pathway}/mapped.sam {pathway_script}/add_read_count.rb mapped.sam sequence_min1000.fastq > mapped.fasta.counted
grep -e > mapped.fasta.counted > mapped.counted.result
sed -i “s/>//g” mapped.counted.result
sed -i “s/read_count_//g” mapped.counted.result
- prepare the database
diamond makedb --in AOA_amoA_AA.fasta -d AOA_amoA_warming_nr
- mapping
diamond blastx --id 80% -e 0.00001 -d AOA_amoA_warming_nr.dmnd -q sample_min100.fasta.gz -o sample.m8
- RPKM Calculation
Python ${pathway_script}/ ${pathway_input}/mapped.counted.result ${pathway_input}/total_reads