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dzaima edited this page Jun 17, 2019 · 2 revisions


The docs about the functions / characters is a table of all the characters and their descriptions. Each character has a line with it (the character is clickable to enter it!) and a simple description. The following lines contain either a table of types (for loops it may be ending types), or simple examples. The examples are clickable too, but be warned, they will erase your current code!

The type table uses such abbreviations:

shown meaning
N number
S string
A array
a canvas object, array or string

and multiple next to each other just mean it takes multiple arguments. So aN means is expects a string/array/canvas on the stack, and above that - a number.

if a thing is green, that means it's probably implemented, and if red - probably not. If it's white, it isn't in the data. The data are taken from files/, and if you find something wrong there, feel free to message me wherever possible.

The search bar can find basic requests (at some point I'll add separate word searching), and sometimes something not even in the text. If you'd like to add a search term to something, just add //KEYW yourkeyword after the description of the character in files/chars.txt.

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