Parallel driver for PL Germany devices.
The communication is realized via a character device created by the driver. This character device can be found at '/dev/parallel'.
Writing into this file will trigger a send event on the parallel bus. This will include both, a command send event at the beginning continued by a data send event. The first 16-bit of the file input stream will be send as a address/command. All other 16-bit data will be counted as data.
In the following example the command 0x05CF will be send continued by the data 0x2020 and 0x4FFC:
user@beaglebone:~$ echo 05CF20204FFC | xxd -p -r > /dev/parallel
The next example shows how to send just a address/command to the device. Here, the command 0x0302 will be send:
user@beaglebone:~$ echo 0302 | xxd -p -r > /dev/parallel
Reading from the device is equally simple. A file read will trigger a read event on the parallel bus.
In this example a address/command will be send to the device followed by a read event. The device gets the command 0x4FFC and will then answer with 4 bytes of data.
user@beaglebone:~$ echo 4FFC | xxd -p -r > /dev/parallel ; head -c 4 /dev/parallel | xxd
00000000: 4441 5440
The driver provides an interface for the user to change various timings and signal polarities.
This interface can be found in the 'pl_par' class:
user@beaglebone:~$ ls /sys/class/pl_par
burst_en parallel polarities timings
The general parallel bus settings can be found inside the main folder 'pl_par'.
user@beaglebone:~$ ls /sys/class/pl_par
burst_en parallel polarities timings
burst_en [1,0]
Enables/Disables the burst write mode. In this mode the HRDY signal is ignored and the data is send as fast as possible. 1 enables the mode, 0 disable it.
All timings are includes in the timings folder:
user@beaglebone:~$ ls /sys/class/pl_par/timings
clk_div clk_freq cs_delay power r_hold r_strobe r_su subsystem uevent w_hold w_strobe w_su
clk_div [integer]
Module clock divider. This defines the divider for the input clock.
clk_freq [integer]
This defines the modules input frequency [Hz]. This frequency divided by the clock divider results into the buss master clock frequency.
cs_delay [integer]
This defines the number of memclk cycles between the end of one device access and the start of another device access unless the two accesses are both Reads. In this case, this delay is not incurred.
r_hold [integer]
Read Strobe Hold cycles. This defines the number of memclk cycles for which Data Bus/Pad Output Enable, the Direction bit, and Chip Select are held after the Read Strobe is deasserted when performing a read access.
r_strobe [integer]
Read Strobe Duration cycles. This defines the number of memclk cycles for which the Read Strobe is held active when performing a read access.
r_su [integer]
Read Strobe Set-Up cycles. When performing a read access, this defines the number of memclk cycles that Data Bus/Pad Output Enable, the Direction bit, and Chip Select have to be ready before the Read Strobe is asserted.
w_hold [integer]
Write Strobe Hold cycles. This defines the number of memclk cycles for which Data Bus/Pas Output Enable, ALE, the Direction bit, and Chip Select 0 are held after the Write Strobe is de-asserted when performing write access.
w_strobe [integer]
Write Strobe Duration cycles. This defines the number of memclk cycles for which the Write Strobe is held active when performing a write access.
w_su [integer]
Write Strobe Set-Up cycles. When performing a write access, this defines the number of memclk cycles that Data Bus/Pad Output Enable, the Direction bit, and Chip Select have to be ready before the Write Strobe is asserted.
All polarity settings can be found in the 'polarities' subfolder:
user@beaglebone:~$ ls /sys/class/pl_par/polarities
ale_pol cs0_e0_pol cs1_e1_pol power rs_en_pol subsystem uevent ws_dir_pol
ale_pol [0,1]
Address Latch Enable (ALE) Polarity Control. 0 = Do Not Invert ALE. 1 = Invert.
cs0_e0_pol [0,1]
Chip Select 0/Enable 0 (Secondary) Polarity Control. 0 = Do Not Invert Chip Select 0/Enable 0. 1 = Invert Chip Select 0/Enable 0.
cs1_e1_pol [0,1]
Chip Select 1/Enable 1 (Secondary) Polarity Control. 0 = Do Not Invert Chip Select 1/Enable 1. 1 = Invert Chip Select 1/Enable 1.
rs_en_pol [0,1]
Read Strobe/Direction Polarity Control. 0 = Do Not Invert Read Strobe/Direction. 1 = Invert Read Strobe/Direction.
ws_dir_pol [0,1]
Write Strobe/Direction Polarity Control. 0 = Do Not Invert Write Strobe/Direction. 1 = Invert Write Strobe/Direction.