Latex with Tikz to SVG conversion. Includes Cell magic for rendering in Jupyter
This Fork of the original project has enhancements for the display of Linear Algebra Computations
- Free software: MIT license
The installation information below will install the version provided by the original author. To use the upgraded version here, download it, and copy the itikz subdirectory into a directory in your PYTHONPATH.
- Step by step instructions for Windows are shown in .. image:: InstallationInstructions.png
- a working TeX installation, e.g.,
- inkscape (ensure inkscape is on the path)
- pdf2svg ( enure the selected directory is on the path)
Install itikz with python -m pip install
To see the directories in your pythonpath, execute the following in python:
import sys
for p in sys.path:
print( p )
To install the original version instead, run:
pip install itikz
Load it:
%load_ext itikz
Use it:
%%itikz --file-prefix implicit-demo- --template pic
\draw[help lines] grid (5, 5);
\draw[fill=magenta!10] (1, 1) rectangle (2, 2);
\draw[fill=magenta!10] (2, 1) rectangle (3, 2);
\draw[fill=magenta!10] (3, 1) rectangle (4, 2);
\draw[fill=magenta!10] (3, 2) rectangle (4, 3);
\draw[fill=magenta!10] (2, 3) rectangle (3, 4);
..code:: build_commands, svg_from_tex, fetch_or_compile_svg
Can be invoked from Julia using PyCall, tested in jupyter-lab and Pluto.jl