OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and we are happy to present or AI-based OCR system.
Have a look to our OCR app.
Find the steps for installation bellow.
You have two ways in order to setup and run this project.
For manual installation, you need to have Python3
on your system. Then you can clone this repo and being at the repo's root :: ocr_project> ...
follow the steps below:
Create a virtual environment with the command :
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment with the command :
source venv/bin/activate
Install the necessary dependencies with the command :
python -m pip install --upgrade pip; python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Windows :
git clone https://github.com/eaedk/ocr_project.git; cd ocr_project; python3 -m venv venv; venv\Scripts\activate; python -m pip install --upgrade pip; python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Linux :
git clone https://github.com/eaedk/ocr_project.git; cd ocr_project; python3 -m venv venv; source venv/bin/activate; python -m pip install --upgrade pip; python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the AI-based OCR app, made with Gradio, execute the following command, being at repository root :
python ...
Here are some ressources you would read to have a deep understanding of the different parts of the project :
Feel free to make a PR or report an issue 😃.
Oh, one more thing, please do not forget to put a description when you make your PR 🙂.