Vagabond App
An application which enables travelers to create user profiles and post opinions or questions about London, Gibraltar or San Francisco.
The main functionality is for an individual user to post, update and delete their own posts, and view posts of others in each city.
- Bob Kliger @bkliger
- Adam Beck @mradambeck
- Emily Moses @eamoses
Link to Heroku:
Technologies Used:
- Ruby
- Rails
- Friendly_id
- bcrypt
- paranoia
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
Existing Features:
- Creating a new user with a profile picture, first and last name, email and password
- User has the ability to create posts
- A user cannot delete or edit other's posts
- Read all existing posts as long as a user is logged-in
- Update their user information
- Deleting and updating their posts
- Posts are never truly deleted - only soft deletes
Planned Features:
- Create a mailer so new users receive emails upon sign-up
Github Link: