Following tutorial from
This step is only needed if the .proto
files are changed. All generated files are at the gen
Generating files:
buf generate
go build .
First test the gRPC endpoints. Run the program at another terminal go run .
# List endpoints
$ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 list
# Call SayHello
$ grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"name":"Hello"}' localhost:8080 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
"message": "Hello world"
Now let's test the REST endpoint
# Test the post endpoint
$ $ curl -d '{"name":"Hello"}' localhost:8090/v1/example/hello
{"message":"Hello world"}
# Test the get endpoint
$ curl localhost:8090/v1/example/hello/hello
{"message":"hello world (GET)"}
- Got error on tutorial not having a go _package.
- To generate code:
buf generate
- Curl:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"name": "abacaxi"}' localhost:8080 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
- List:
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 list
protoc -I ./proto -I ./
--go_out ./gen/proto --go_opt paths=source_relative
--go-grpc_out ./gen/proto --go-grpc_opt paths=source_relative
--grpc-gateway_out ./gen/proto --grpc-gateway_opt paths=source_relative