- Write credentials to
gosky account create-session "your-handle.dev" "your-app-password" > ~/.config/telsky/client.auth
- go install && telsky
- Cross your fingers
Let's use charm to build out a list view of the main timeline.
This HackerNews Example would be a good model to copy. We need a basic list view with a few actions.
We can use a modal and other styles to add basic text previews with something like this: https://github.com/bensadeh/circumflex/blob/main/reader/reader.go#L15
For images, we can use sixels: https://github.com/mattn/go-sixel or a fallback with something like this: https://github.com/qeesung/image2ascii
Maybe we can use nerdfonts for basic icons?
All the charm is here