The R package AbunNB implements the penalized empirical likelihood (EL) inference for abundance via EM algorithms. Under the zero-truncated negative binomial regression model, this package provides three main functions to make statistical inferences.
- abun_nb(): used to calculate the maximum (penalized) EL estimators of the abundance, regression coefficients, and the dispersion parameter.
- abun_nb_ci(): used to calculate the (penalized) EL ratio confidence interval of abundance.
- summary(): used to summarize the maximum (penalized) EL estimation results.
In the R software, the following codes are used to install the package:
As an example, the following codes are provided to show the usage of the main functions in this packag:
To reproduce analyses in the case study in Ji and Liu (2024), we present the corresponding code as follows.
- Code to summarize the frequencie of the number of captures and sex information; see Table 3 in Ji and Liu (2024)
dat <- data.frame(y = rowSums(blackbear[,-9]), sex = blackbear[,9])
tab3 <- aggregate(dat$y, by = list(dat$sex), table)$x
names(tab3) <- c("Male", "Female")
- Code to plot the subfigure A of Figure 1 in Ji and Liu (2024)
fy <- table(dat$y)
y <- as.numeric(names(fy))
r <- y[-1] * fy[-1]/fy[-length(fy)]
par(mar = c(4.8,5.2,2.4,2.4))
plot(y[-length(y)], r, type = "p", xlab = "y", ylab = expression((y+1)*f[y+1]/f[y]), cex.lab = 1.2, yaxt = "n", main = "A: Ratio plot")
fit <- lm(r ~ y[-length(y)])
abline(fit, lty = 2, lwd = 1.5)
axis(2, seq(2,14,2))
- Code to calculate the maximum (penalized) empirical likelihood estimates and standard errors of abundance under the negative binomial regression model
mele <- abun_nb(numCap=dat$y, x=dat$sex)
mpele <- abun_nb(numCap=dat$y, x=dat$sex, method = "PEL")
- Code to calculate the Chao lower bound
- Code to calculate the ratio regression estimate and standard error with weights (3.2) in Rocchetti et al. (2011)
fit <- lm(log(r)~y[-length(y)], weights = 1/(1/fy[-length(fy)] + 1/fy[-1]))
f0_ratioReg <- fy[1]*exp(-fit$coefficients[1])
N_ratioReg <- length(dat$y) + f0_ratioReg
varN <- length(dat$y)f0_ratioReg/N_ratioReg + exp(-2fit$coefficients[1]) * fy[1] * (fy[1]*summary(fit)$coefficients[1,2]^2+1)
- Code to calculate the maximum penalized empirical likelihood estimate and standard error of the dispersion parameter
- Code to calculate the (penalized) empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals of abundance
- Code to plot the subfigure B of Figure 1 in Ji and Liu (2024)
Ns <- seq(50, 550, length = 200)
elr <- NULL
pelr <- NULL
for (i in 1:200) {
elr <- c(elr, -2*( abun_nb(dat$y, dat$sex, N0 = Ns[i])@loglikelihood - mele@loglikelihood))
pelr <- c(pelr,- 2*( abun_nb(dat$y, dat$sex, N0 = Ns[i], method = "PEL")@loglikelihood - mpele@loglikelihood))
par(mar = c(4.8,5.2,2.4,2.4))
plot(Ns, elr, xlab = "N", ylab = "Log-likelihood ratio function", type="l", cex.lab = 1.2, lwd = 1.5, main = "B: Log-EL ratio curve")
lines(Ns,pelr, col=2, lty=2, lwd = 1.5)
legend("bottomright", c("With penalty", "Without penalty"), col = c(2, 1), lty = c(2,1), cex = 1, lwd = 1.5)
Ji, Y., and Liu, Y. (2024). A penalized empirical likelihood approach for estimating population sizes under the negative binomial regression model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, submitted.
Rocchetti, I., Bunge, J., and Bohning, D. (2011). Populationsize estimation based upon ratios of recapture probabilities. Annals of Applied Statistics, 5, 1512–1533.
For questions, comments or remarks about the code please contact Y. Liu at this email address