Say you ran a board game shop that had a online shop...
Say you needed to populate your online shop with thousands of square images of the board games you had for sale...
Say you wanted to avoid manually searching for, downloading, renaming and resizing those images...
Game image resizer finds and downloads the best image for a list of board games from BoardGameGeek using its API. Then it makes the images square with transparent padding around rectangular images. Then it saves them with a useful, upload-ready filename.
An image of 200px by 700px will turn out as 500px by 500px. And image of 200px by 400px will turn out as 400px by 400px. Transparent padding is added to retain the original aspect ratio.
Board Game Geek's API rate limiting is strict so this makes a request every 5 seconds. This means it's slow.
If you make heavy use of BoardGameGeek's API, images and image hosting using this script or otherwise, it would be nice to donate to them.
Standalone builds of this are in the dist folder
If you run it as as a standalone program on Mac, the image folders are added into your Home directory.
If you run it as as a standalone program on Windows, the image folders are added into the same folder as the program.
Alternatively run it as a script...
pipenv install boardgamegeek pillow
pip --user install boardgamegeek pillow
Make a text file called something like games.txt
with a game's name on each line. It can be stored anywhere.
Run python path/to/games.txt
If you're running this as a script, it will save the processed images in a folder called game_images
in the same folder as
If you're running this as a standalone program, it'll put game_images
in your home directory.
Games that only loosely match a game on Board Game Geek will be saved in a subfolder of game_images
called game_images/check_these_games
for later checking.
pip install pyinstaller
To make a single executable file that packages up everything in the app run:
-F makes it a single app. -n specifies the name. -p specifies other folders it should pull in resources from
pyinstaller NAME_OF_APP.spec
For example:
On Windows
pyinstaller -F -n bgg_image_resizer_windows -p C:\Users\USERNAME\.virtualenvs\game-image-resizer-cIXL_u_t
pyinstaller bgg_image_resizer_windows.spec
On Mac
pyinstaller -F -n bgg_image_resizer_mac -p /Users/USERNAME/.local/share/virtualenvs/game-image-resizer-VllgVcYq
pyinstaller bgg_image_resizer_mac.spec