Spawn multiple uno build instances for testing multiple platforms at once.
npm install -g spawn-uno
Pass multiple platforms to the script and it will spawn off an instance for each. Useful for when testing platform consistency.
Noahs-MacBook-Air:spawn-uno noah$ spawn-uno --help
-v, --verbose Print all messages out [default: false]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-u, --uno Specify a path to the `uno` binary [default: "uno"]
/usr/local/bin/spawn-uno android native Spawn Uno build for android and Mac
/usr/local/bin/spawn-uno native --uno Spawn Uno build for Mac OS X using
~/dev/uno/uno the binary provided
noah@Noahs-MacBook-Air ~/d/f/u/l/f/T/M/TestApp> spawn-uno native android
Running build on platform native
Running build on platform android
native build ready.
Build completed in 0.17 seconds
Deploying to native device..
android build ready.
Build completed in 0.18 seconds
Deploying to android device..